Love Your Body Now

How to Establish New Habits in The Most Effective Way

September 11, 2023 Savannah Robertson Episode 29
How to Establish New Habits in The Most Effective Way
Love Your Body Now
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Love Your Body Now
How to Establish New Habits in The Most Effective Way
Sep 11, 2023 Episode 29
Savannah Robertson

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Are you ready to redefine your identity and establish habits that align with your health goals?  We'll be unpacking the intricacies of self-perception, our ingrained beliefs, and how they can often act as roadblocks in our path to change. We'll also delve into the psychology behind self-sabotage, and the importance of a tailored health plan that suits you best. We'll also be learning the art of self-compassion. Change is a process, and it's crucial to be gentle with ourselves as we navigate through this journey.

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Tiktok: @savannahrobertson402

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Are you ready to redefine your identity and establish habits that align with your health goals?  We'll be unpacking the intricacies of self-perception, our ingrained beliefs, and how they can often act as roadblocks in our path to change. We'll also delve into the psychology behind self-sabotage, and the importance of a tailored health plan that suits you best. We'll also be learning the art of self-compassion. Change is a process, and it's crucial to be gentle with ourselves as we navigate through this journey.

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Shop our apparel! --> Love Your Body Now

Come connect with me over on your favorite social media platform!๐Ÿ’ž

Insta: @savannahrobertsonwellness

Tiktok: @savannahrobertson402

Youtube: @savannahrobertson

Speaker 1:

and when we challenge our identity of who our brain believes that we are, our brain is going to fight it, because our brain doesn't want to be wrong and it wants to protect us at all costs, and it will naturally want to preserve energy to not have to establish new habits, because it's challenging for us to establish new habits. It would rather take the easy route of what it knows and does, the same thing that it usually does. Welcome to the Love your Body Now podcast, the podcast for women who are ready to feel confident in their body right now and redefine what health looks like for them. I'm Savannah, your host, and together we'll be having conversations about what it means to accept and love our bodies now, while simultaneously prioritizing our health journey. We'll be debunking beliefs that do not serve us and diving into misconceptions and unhealthy narratives in the fitness world, so that we can rebuild our foundation from a place of self-love. Hello, I am so excited to be back with you another week this week and be finally in our home and finally getting settled. If you've been following me or listening to the last couple of episodes, you know that we recently moved into a new home and we are actually landlords now with our other home that we purchased last year.

Speaker 1:

So things have been a little crazy. I just got back from a work trip on technically like early Friday morning at like one in the morning, and so this weekend it's just been nice to chill out, get some stuff unpacked, and now this week I have a short week again and then I have another work trip event happening and I'm leaving Thursday. So September is just a crazy month and it is Sunday, the day before this episode is supposed to be released. So I am making the time to get it in because I don't want to miss another day. It felt so weird when I missed the week that I think we had to get out of our house. I missed that week for a podcast episode and I'm like I didn't like that. So I am recording in our new home, currently in the living room. Actually, our office space is not quite set up yet. It should be set up by next week, I believe. So finally, things will be happening, and some exciting things I will be sharing about on social media is that we are converting our garage into a gym. That was one of the things that I convinced Victor when we were looking at houses, because this house was a lot further than I was hoping for, and so that was one of the things that I was like well, I can compromise if I get this, and now we are going to have our own gym and I'm so freaking excited. I love being able to work out from home, but this is just going to allow for us to get a lot more equipment and I can start using a barbell again and all of the awesome things. So that will be my focus these next couple of weeks and still just getting settled.

Speaker 1:

But I wanted to do a quick episode. I don't think this episode is going to be super long Now, after I've gotten through my recap. I have been doing these recaps every single week, so I hope, at the very least, you're enjoying them. But today I want to piggyback off of the episode that we did last week, which was all about my LDV formula and how to apply that to your health journey so that you can align your morals and what's super important to you into your goal setting, and this is kind of a segue that I want to go into. That, obviously, is related to last week's episode, which has to do with establishing new habits, and, if you haven't already. I would go back to the earlier episodes that I talk about self-sabotage and the psychology behind self-sabotage and creating your perfect health plan. Those episodes are really great for these kinds of topics and just how you can really stick to your health journey and set goals that are really important to you and that you can stick to long term. But I want to dive into what I used to teach when I was coaching all about how I believe the most effective way to setting goals not goals establishing new habits the most effective way, in my opinion and it's all built off of each other and related to each other with those topics I just listed. So when setting goals or trying to establish new habits, we know that if you listen to those episodes, that our brain has an idea and a belief of who we are and we know that these things may not be true, but our brain believes them to be true.

Speaker 1:

If you are loving the Love your Body Now podcast, then I want to take a moment to tell you about the Love your Body Now apparel line and I think that if you are loving this podcast and you are someone who is like on your self growth journey, you are working on your body, confidence and the whole body positivity are all behind that, then you're definitely going to want to go check out the Love your Body Now apparel line. We have a link in the show notes where you can check it out. And if you're not someone who likes to buy a lot of shirts or hoodies or crew necks, we also have stickers for a majority of the designs that we have on our shirts as well. So if you are someone who likes to add cute stickers to your water bottle or your laptop or whatever else you like to customize, we also offer that as well. Some of my favorite little slogans that we have on our apparel so far are the Anti-Diet Club slogans, the Growing in Progress and, of course, love your Body Now all about what this podcast is about and this brand is about. So if you are into that and you want to check out some of the cute shirts and crew necks and hoodies and stickers that we have, be sure to pause this episode and click on the link in the show notes to the Love your Body Now store.

Speaker 1:

All right, let's get back to the episode. So if we know that about ourselves, that everything that we do, all of the actions that we take, all of the thoughts that we think every single day on autopilot, they're basically derived from these beliefs and this identity that we have about ourselves. And so when we try to establish new habits that are very outside of, maybe, what we're normally used to and it could be something like maybe you're used to grabbing fast food for dinner, or maybe your lunch breaks, you're used to leaving work and going somewhere to pick up lunch rather than packing a lunch. It's something as simple as that, where, if we decided that we were no longer going to do that anymore and that we wanted to start meal prepping, and then all of a sudden we have to, you know, establish a time on maybe Sunday evening or whenever to actually sit down not sit down, but like, cook the meal and prep it all out.

Speaker 1:

And that doesn't just.

Speaker 1:

You actually have to plan that out as well. So it doesn't just start there. It starts with having a plan of what you're going to Bring every day to work. So then you have to come up with the grocery list, and then you got to go to the store and do all these things. So it's not just this one simple thing that you're changing in your daily living. There's a lot that goes into it. And then maybe we, we thought and and Anyone can do this. Right. It's not.

Speaker 1:

I'm not saying that anyone like that, we can't do that, or that it's impossible to start doing stuff like that, but when, if it is something you have not done in a really long time, to the point where you almost identify as this person who leaves work for lunch and, you know, leaves the office to go get food for for your break, it's going to be a lot more challenging to start up this new habit of all of a sudden prepping because of who our identity is. And when we challenge our identity, of who our brain believes with that we are, our brain is going to fight it because our brain doesn't want to be wrong and it wants to protect us at all costs, and it will Naturally want to preserve energy, to not have to Establish new habits, because that's it's challenging for us to establish new habits. It would rather take the easy route of what it knows and does the same thing that it usually does. So when we start to establish these new habits or decide that we are going to make a change, you are better off Making a very small change, as opposed to saying, alright, like Going cold turkey, like I am doing this completely different from now on because of that factor, of how the brain works. And so when you can start to have more, more awareness around you know your daily habits in the first place you can start to understand them a little bit better and then you can also start to make tweaks in your daily habits. And that's where you can be very smart about it and really set yourself up for success.

Speaker 1:

If you know how you can somewhat like trick your brain into these new habits that don't feel very challenging and then, as you go, like once a week or you know, however often that you can reflect on it, you can start to implement more. Or if you struggled to stick to something that you thought would be easy, then you can take it down a notch and make it even easier Until that becomes a habit, and then you just build off of it. And this is something that when I was Coaching and having people come through my program, we would talk about how to keep these new goals and daily actions short, simple and small and really just ask ourselves is this going to Be like really easy for me to complete on the days that I want to complete it, because If it is and it feels like I'm really not making any changes that are significant at all, then we're in the right direction. Because how easy is it to do something that doesn't feel that hard or like it's challenging us that much when we already have all of the other things going on in our life? It's not going to feel significant in the moment. But if you are strategic and you make sure to continuously reflect on it every single week and add on to it, that is where the big change starts to happen and that is also where you can start to build a new identity for yourself. And when you have a new identity for yourself that is aligned with what you believe is a healthy person or the person that you really aspire to be like, your brain is going to start working for you rather than against you, when normally we self-sabotage our new habits because we are going against our brain and we are going against who it believes that we are. So that is how you slowly start to train your brain to take action on the things that you want it to do and develop the discipline in order to do that and I know that some people may teach it differently.

Speaker 1:

I know I have heard people before. There is this one fitness girl that I see on social media periodically and she is very hardcore and I know that some people really appreciate it. She does not sugar coat anything. But I also don't fully agree with everything that she preaches and it is along the lines of saying you can't lose weight because you are lazy and you don't try hard enough and all of these things. And I don't like that approach because I feel like I am a very compassionate person and I want to be super understanding to the individual of everything that they have going on and typically, yes, I do think tough love is sometimes needed. So I am not denying that sometimes that is needed.

Speaker 1:

But typically people who struggle with staying consistent or like really deciding that they are going to make a change, sometimes it also comes from a lack of education, a lack of knowledge, maybe a lack of awareness, and maybe they actually do attempt to lose weight, but they are trusting the wrong people is where I am going with it, because it is all over and thrown in our face of like, hey, this is how you lose weight the right way. This is what you need to do. This is what you need to do, or you need to buy my products or you need to work with me. And it is just really in our face and it is marketed in a way that is meant to make us feel like shit and make us feel insecure. And they say all the right things to make us believe exactly what they need us to believe. And maybe you attempt to try that.

Speaker 1:

But that thing that you were promised, like hey, this is really going to work, maybe it just was not the right fit for you, or maybe it really did not work for your current season of life. Like, let's say, you purchased a program that, like they have you working out seven days a week or five days a week or something, and they say you have to do it. You know, I don't know, and maybe maybe. Okay, here's a better, here's a better example. Let's say you joined a challenge at a gym that they were advertising, like this weight loss challenge or something, and they said you've got to come work out at our classes in. The options to come to our classes are 5am and 6am or something like that, and maybe you have not worked out in, I don't know, like two years, or maybe you've never worked out in your life and then to try and like go do that and you know, plus balance everything else that you have going on in your life.

Speaker 1:

It can be very, very, very challenging to stick to something like that when you have never done it before. Maybe you're in a season of life that is making it super challenging to start establishing habits like that all at once. And that's where I get frustrated of people being like, oh, you just don't care enough. And it's like, well, no, that's not necessarily the case. Like, obviously they said, yes, they started, they took the first step, but they weren't. Maybe that just was not the level that they were prepared for and they needed to be met where they were currently at, and them thinking that this was exactly what they needed, because they were told exactly what they needed to hear to buy it. It wasn't actually the best fit for them, even though they may have thought it was, and so then they end up giving up.

Speaker 1:

And what that tells ourselves is if that's happened more than once, it tells ourselves that we're not capable of making those fitness changes because our brain looks to that proof of here all the times that you have attempted and you failed or you didn't stick with it. But when we can start to view it as well, maybe that wasn't the right fit for me in the first place and I really wasn't setting myself up for success when I started with that gym, and I would rather someone take the first step and realize it at that point. But unfortunately, because some people don't have a lot of proof that they can stay consistent with a fitness routine, they see it as intimidating if what they chose doesn't work for them. And then they take a few suspects because they're like oh my gosh, I'm actually not capable of this, rather than making a tweak in the plan to really make it cater to them and their season of life, that they're in their goals, their lifestyle, and I think that that's just a lack of not knowing that that's something that we can do, because that's not how the fitness industry talks and that's not how the fitness industry markets. It's like no, you have to do it this way or you are wrong, you're unhealthy and you don't care enough, and I think that that's just. That's just not going to help people.

Speaker 1:

Maybe it'll help a small percentage of people, but even those people, I'm kind of like, yeah, but you're teaching them to have this narrative in their head of you have to do things this way, or your failure type of deal, and I'm sure and I've carried beliefs like that before where it's like if you don't do it exactly how you thought you're supposed to do it, you feel like this failure and it's like but then at that point you're doing fitness all wrong, like fitness, health, all of those things should be used to optimize our lives and should be used as a tool, not as like this, and I'll be like here, you have to do this routine, or you are like you don't care enough, and I think that that's the wrong approach. I don't think that it's the most helpful approach for people. Even if people need heart, like they need that hard love, tough love, I think that it can be. I think that we can use it in a different way. You know, like if someone's struggling to stay consistent and they maybe they're in denial about it or maybe they constantly have excuses, right, like we all know those people it's kind of like then at that point you would want to coach them and ask them the right questions to help them reveal the answers that they really need to hear. And I think it's more about that approach than pointing the finger at people and saying, well, you obviously don't give a shit if you have all of the excuses, or just like just being super, just like viewing it as black or white. I just don't think any situation in life is black and white.

Speaker 1:

I think there's always a complexity to it and there's always a lot more going on that we're not aware of and there's a lot of mental battles that we have to get over right. We all carry these past traumas that we've gone through before mentally, and you just never know where someone's at mentally, and sometimes all it is all we can do is just ask them open-ended questions to really help them kind of put a mirror in front of themselves and help them to reflect on themselves, because sometimes people really they just don't, they haven't done that before, they don't have the tools to really understand how to do that. So if we can just guide them to asking better questions that are going to help them reveal better answers, to hopefully help them slowly make their own progress, whatever pace that is for themselves, then I think that that's going to be a better approach than someone being that girl I mentioned on social media, where she's just like if you're fat, it's your fault and it's like OK, yeah, at some point we all have to own up to our own actions. But it's a lot more complex than that and also our society is so fucked up in a way that makes us feel like we are unworthy, like we are not enough, and that whole narrative is driven into us at such a young age and every single person handles that differently and it leads to different triggers, especially of the environment that you grew up in, and it can lead to a lot of psychological patterns. So for someone to just blanketly say that I don't like that's a word, I think I just made up that word but for someone to just say that without recognizing how complex it is, I think it's kind of an ignorant thing to say I don't think it's so much like tough love, I think it's more ignorance.

Speaker 1:

And I know that a lot of people kind of carry that mentality upon themselves as well, like, oh, I'm a piece of shit because I don't make a change, I don't do anything, I don't make an effort, blah, blah, blah. But I mean, have a little grace for yourself, find proof in other areas of your life of what you're capable of. It doesn't have to be. If you're struggling to make a change with your health and you're reflecting on all of the times you've attempted to make changes and you feel like you can't find any proof that you've ever been successful with it, then look into other areas of your life. It does not have to. You can cross over and it will still help you to realize how capable you are. I mean, maybe you overcame something super challenging at work or something or with your kids and worked through something together and overcame and ended up on the other side as a success, and I mean that's something that you can use as proof and say, hey, no, I am capable of doing this, because this is what I did in my life and I know that it's in me to do this. So have grace for yourself and find proof in your life where you can and where you need it and use it as fuel and proof that you are so capable.

Speaker 1:

And sometimes it's just going to take slow progress and it's not always going to be as fast as we want it to. That's another thing that we just have to be careful of is we're promised that we're going to lose 10 pounds in 10 days or some bullshit like that on social media. And then all of a sudden now we think that that's like, like that's realistic and it's not, and so we have to kind of take it upon ourselves to just learn more about health and fitness and education and make sure that we are taking advice from the people, the right people. So that is. I thought this was gonna be a short episode. I mean it kinda is. It's shorter than my other episodes, but when you were trying to establish new habits, even if it's not in health and fitness, I would say keep it small, simple and short and make it to feel like it's like you're barely making any change at all, and just build off of that over and over again, because that is how you are going to build a new identity for yourself and become a new person. Throughout the process and eventually it's just going to be routine, it's going to be habit, because that is who your brain believes you to be, and your brain is wanting to make sure that you are right and proving that that is who you are, so the actions will reflect that.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I think I'm done. I think I'm done with this episode today, so I hope that you enjoyed it. I hope that it was helpful. Please, please, please. If you listen to the podcast regularly, please leave a review on whichever platform that you listen to. It really helps out to show more people the podcast. I would love for more people to be able to find this podcast and so if you appreciate this podcast and you like it, please do me huge favor and rate and review and let me know that you're listening because you know it's.

Speaker 1:

I don't get to see or know whoever listens. I just talk and I just put it out there and I hope that someone listens. So if you're someone who listens to the podcast sometimes or maybe this is your first episode please shoot me a message or a DM and just let me know that you listened. And if you have suggestions ever on topics that you want to hear about, feel free to suggest them to me, because I would love to do a topic that would really be helpful for you. So with that I'll leave you and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode. You have no idea how grateful I am to have you as one of the Love your Body. Now listeners, if you are loving this podcast, it would mean the world to me if you subscribed and left a review. This helps me get the message out to more women just like you, who are also committed to their journey, and if you love this episode, please be sure to share it with someone who you know needs to hear today's message. Together, we can help more women recognize their self-worth and build their confidence from a much deeper place, just like you're doing right now. Let's help change the world, one woman at a time. Alright, talk to you soon, friend.

Challenging Identity and Establishing New Habits
Building New Habits, Overcoming Identity
The Complexity of Health and Fitness