Love Your Body Now

Break Free from Negative Self-Talk through Gratitude

September 18, 2023 Savannah Robertson Episode 30
Break Free from Negative Self-Talk through Gratitude
Love Your Body Now
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Love Your Body Now
Break Free from Negative Self-Talk through Gratitude
Sep 18, 2023 Episode 30
Savannah Robertson

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Are you struggling with negative self talk? Learn how to steer your thoughts towards positivity, establishing a healthier perspective of self-worth.  In this episode, we chat about the power of gratitude and mindset, and how to use it to overcome negative self talk. We explore how to train your brain to seek out positivity in every situation, a valuable tool in developing resilience when faced with adversity. You'll gain insights into how your reactions to minor inconveniences can unveil your level of self-awareness. By embracing a practice of gratitude and self-awareness, you'll foster a stronger sense of self-worth and positivity. 

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Are you struggling with negative self talk? Learn how to steer your thoughts towards positivity, establishing a healthier perspective of self-worth.  In this episode, we chat about the power of gratitude and mindset, and how to use it to overcome negative self talk. We explore how to train your brain to seek out positivity in every situation, a valuable tool in developing resilience when faced with adversity. You'll gain insights into how your reactions to minor inconveniences can unveil your level of self-awareness. By embracing a practice of gratitude and self-awareness, you'll foster a stronger sense of self-worth and positivity. 

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Shop our apparel! --> Love Your Body Now

Come connect with me over on your favorite social media platform!๐Ÿ’ž

Insta: @savannahrobertsonwellness

Tiktok: @savannahrobertson402

Youtube: @savannahrobertson

Speaker 1:

We bring so much more to the table than how our weight looks and how we view our own body image, and I think that sometimes we can get caught up in that mentality of really just being so fixated on our physical appearance and how we look in our clothes and just how we look day to day. It can be something we become super focused on. Welcome to the love your body now podcast, the podcast for women who are ready to feel confident in their body right now and Redefine what health looks like for them. I'm Savannah, your host, and together We'll be having conversations about what it means to accept and love our bodies now, while simultaneously prioritizing our health. Dream will be debunking beliefs that do not serve us and Diving into misconceptions and unhealthy narratives in the fitness world, so that we can rebuild our foundation from a place of self-love. Hello friend, I hope that you are having a great week start of your week so far. I Am super excited to be back and with you, and we are going to be recording a short episode today. I feel like I say that all the time that this upcoming episode is gonna be short, but I actually mean at this time.

Speaker 1:

I Feel like there's just been so much happening in my life these last, like this last month, I I've been, you know, recapping, but I mean we put our house up for rent and we were looking for a home back in August and then I visited home and then we found renters for our house and, well, temporary renters technically Got them in. We actually had to move out of our house within a week of time. Then, after that, we were living in an Airbnb for a week and All the while I had to go to Las Vegas for a work trip and then I got back and we moved into our house and then the following week I had a fishing retreat event that I had to plan and coordinate with our company as well. And now we are in this process of our temporary renters are leaving our house. So we are Navigating, getting new renters in there. So it's been a lot and I am not done. We're not done with all of the craziness. I have another company event happening in a few weeks as well.

Speaker 1:

So it has just been so crazy these pretty much this last month and a half or so, and it feels like I haven't been able to catch up or feel like I have established a routine and gone back into a habitual routine again, and the podcast being one of those. Normally I have like a month's worth of podcast episodes already recorded, already scheduled and ready to go, and then it's just like not anything that I even have to worry about for a while, and that has not been the case the last like month or so. But that's life and I'm just Glad that this podcast it. It means so much to me and like the consistency is really important for me to Stay consistent and keep posting and keep coming up with an episode to talk about each week. So, regardless, I am grateful, even with a hectic situation, and today I really wanted to keep it short and just talk about a few ways.

Speaker 1:

If you Feel like you are struggling with your self-worth, I just want to speak on that and help in any way that I can to help you shift or flip your mindset, especially on the days where you just feel like Usually it's not just a day, usually it's, like you know, it lasts a couple days or a week or so where you're just feeling like really shitty about yourself and feeling like your self-worth just isn't there, or maybe you're really struggling with a specific issue that is going on and you're having a hard time overcoming it mentally. So I just wanted to give a few pointers and hopefully shift your perspective a little bit. When it comes to feeling those low feelings about yourself, I know how easy it can be to start slipping and falling down in the dumps and just like kind of spiraling with all of the negative self-talk and something that I heard and have done before. Actually it wasn't specifically because I was down in the dumps, it was actually I was reading like a self-growth book, trying to learn more about myself, and this is where I got this idea. But I thought about it and was like this could work for this situation, specifically if you were just really struggling with negative self-talk and really struggling to see the value that you have and who you are as a person outside of maybe your body and your physical appearance, and maybe you're struggling with your weight, body image.

Speaker 1:

We all have those days and one of the things that I recommend doing is, if you're struggling with the negative self-talk related to that stuff, feel free to text like a friend or family member that you're super close with and just ask them like what about you do they admire? And I know what you're thinking you're probably like automatically, like that's feels really weird to ask someone that it almost feels like You're asking for a compliment, right, like we're fishing for compliments, but you don't even have to say what it's about. You don't have to say, hey, I'm feeling really down the dumps, can you like shower me with compliments. You can say something along along the lines of like, hey, like I'm trying to do this personal growth exercise and really just trying to See myself in a different light. You know, really see, like, maybe see myself in a way that others that I Truly respect and care about how they see me, you know, really trying to understand my strengths so I can better Grow those strengths. Right, it's a lot easier to improve our strengths than it is to improve our weaknesses, and Sometimes it helps really focusing in on our strengths and realizing how much value we bring into other people's lives.

Speaker 1:

So don't feel intimidated by doing something like this, where you reach out to someone that you truly care about and Want to say something along the lines of like hey, like I'm doing this personal growth exercise, I'm really trying to, you know, see myself in a way that the world sees me, or figure out, like, what people really appreciate about me, so that I can Either focus in on that or really just understand what kind of qualities make me stand out more, so I can better understand myself and you know just the value that I bring into other people's lives. Saying something along the lines of like that and I did that once I was actually reading a book that was more about like growing your career and it was just an exercise to kind of understand your strengths so that you know when you're in a Season of trying to, let's say, you're interviewing for different companies or different employers and you're just trying to understand, like how you stand out from other people, obviously having more self-awareness around that is going to be super helpful. And then so what the exercise was was just like texting, I think it was like it said, like text 10 to 20 people, like your closest circle, obviously, and ask them somewhere along the lines of like what are, like what three characteristics do you admire the most about me? And like why, something along those lines. And the feedback that I got was very, very valuable and was it was kind of surprising in the same way, because I Hadn't realized that people viewed me in a way, and it was kind of cool because I saw some consistency in some of the things that people had said.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't like you know, people were trying to comment my looks and that that can be something that's super important when you are texting them and asking them to send you this feedback about yourself, just saying, maybe make it more about, like, your qualities and your characteristics and what they admire in that or whatever, and Obviously don't word it in a way that they're gonna that you know they're gonna try and compliment your features or your beauty, things like that. Like we don't want to make it about physical appearance, but Really about who you are as a person and how you make them feel when they're around you. And when I just exercised it, really it just was super impactful for me and I even had some people like give me examples of moments in our lives together that really either inspired them or Really stood out to them. It was just super cool and I think that was part of the exercise too. It was like asking for a time in our life or for an example that you know they really it stood out to them or was impactful in the relationship, something along those lines, and it was just really cool because, like some of this stuff I hadn't even really remembered or they didn't really have any significance to me and it's just kind of really.

Speaker 1:

It's just crazy how people view you so differently than we view ourselves and the things, the moments and impactful moments that really stood out to them that maybe we don't even remember or we forgot about. It was just really cool. And then you can start to see the consistency of what people say about you and you start to realize that, like, these characteristics are actually a thing, for, like you know, I actually do carry these characteristics and I am so much more than my physical appearance and what people, like you know what people think of how I look, like we, we bring so much more to the table than how our weight looks and how we view our own body image. And I think that sometimes we can get caught up in that mentality of really just being so fixated on our physical appearance and how we look in our clothes and just how we look day to day. It can be something we become super focused on and kind of forget what else we bring to the table and what our value like, what, what our value really is and how, our characteristics and who we are as a person, how that contributes to everything else.

Speaker 1:

I think it can be sometimes forgotten and this is a really great reminder for ourselves. If you just take the time to ask, I mean, I know I get it. It feels like you're asking for compliments and hand out, but when you award it the way that you feel that it feels comfortable for you, it can be a really impactful exercise to help you shift your perspective and your mindset of of you and start to realize the impact you make in people's lives outside of who you like, what you look like. The other thing that I want to add, especially when we are really feeling, you know, struggling with our self worth is and this is honestly like anytime you're feeling down in the dumps about something I know easier said than done. But I feel like when you really focus on gratitude and what you have in your life versus what we don't have aka, we don't have the body that we want, we don't have the looks, the features that we want when we really start to focus on the things that we do have and the things that we really take for granted, it can start to help us shift our mindset, and I know that this is sometimes you're so down low that it's just kind of like you don't even have the energy right.

Speaker 1:

But when you start to feel the emotions of what you truly do have in your life and how much different your life could be, what situations you could be in, it is a great reminder of what truly is important in life. And I had a moment like that a few weeks ago where I just I had really just analyzed my entire like where I'm at in life right now and all of the things that I have, and you know it could be a completely different situation, and it just made me think about all of the things that I want to do just in my own life, my personal life, that really make me happy and remind me of why life is so precious. And I just want to make sure that I make time for those things as much as I possibly can, because you really never know when it can all change and you know life is full of changes that are unexpected and you just never know. And that's why it's so important to feel gratitude as much as possible and be thankful and show thanks for the things that you have in your life right now and do whatever you can to make the most of it. So I think when we can really start to focus on that as much as possible, it starts to take away from some of the other shitty feelings that we can feel sometimes, because anytime we are feeling down in the dumps or really low about who we are and our self worth, that starts to become about all of the things that we don't have right. That's where our focus really turns to is thinking about all of the things that we don't have in our life and how things in our life aren't the way that we want them to be, and we know how easy it can be to start to only see that and it's almost like you have to choose one or the other. It's really challenging to have like true gratitude and really feel that gratitude all the time.

Speaker 1:

If you are constantly focused on the things that you don't have and if you start to make more times, if you'll gratitude and maybe you even start to journal about it and feel the feelings like just really like, sit with it for a moment and feel that gratitude, it's going to be a lot easier to start seeing things that you didn't see before, and what I mean by that is, if you make time to feel thankful for what you have in life, your brain is going to start looking for more of that. And you may even find moments like that, like little moments, when you're in the car and maybe someone cuts you off or maybe someone does something that's like would normally like really piss you off. If you're in a state of mind where you're constantly searching for the good, like that's what your brain is kind of. You kind of trained your brain to look for those things. Instead of getting really mad at that person that maybe did you dirty in traffic, maybe you think about how grateful you are it didn't end up in an accident or something worse than it come out of it. Or maybe it just doesn't bother you that much that that happened when normally it would, because you're just in such a positive state of mind and you're just full of so much gratitude that that doesn't really happen anymore.

Speaker 1:

And I've I've had moments where, like that was kind of my mindset and you know, obviously it's a, it's a, it's a full on practice, like it's a practice all the time. You've got to be consistent with it. So obviously I'm not perfect and you can kind of get in those mindsets and those mind frames of seeing negativity. But you can also have it happen where you start to see a lot of positive and I've kind of noticed that sometimes in my life, even in traffic, where normally someone, or even past me, would get super angry and frustrated and like so mad at like the smallest little inconvenience in my life. It was ridiculous in the grand scheme of things, like how angry or negative I used to be about like the most stupid little inconveniences in my life, as if, like, the world owed me anything. And I go ahead and play victim and make myself feel like I'm this victim in this stupid situation, when really it's like why did I let that in that little situation like ruin my entire day or ruin my entire morning when it didn't have to be that way? And I am in total control of that. We all are.

Speaker 1:

Our attitude and the way that we react says so much more about us than we realize and I've even noticed that in other people. Not to be like judgmental, but that just happens when you create more self-awareness in yourself, you start to see it with other people, like when, how they react in situations that inconvenience them or cause like a little bit of tension. Like how someone reacts really tells you a lot about them, how much awareness they have in themselves and just like the state of mind that they are usually in. So learn something new, right? It's kind of crazy, and when we can just learn to have more gratitude and just be more patient and just practice that every single day, you'll really start to realize that it's going to be a lot harder to feel down in the dumps about yourself when you're no longer leaving space in your mind to be thinking about those things. So there you have it.

Speaker 1:

That is the episode for the day A little bit shorter, and hopefully things will start to slow down in my life to where I can have a little bit more intentional podcast episodes, have some more guests come on and we can continue chatting about awesome topics, but otherwise, I hope you have a great week. Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode. You have no idea how grateful I am to have you as one of the love your body now listeners. If you are loving this podcast, it would mean the world to me if you subscribed and left a review. This helps me get the message out to more women, just like you, who are also committed to their journey, and if you love this episode, please be sure to share it with someone who you know needs to hear today's message. Together, we can help more women recognize their self-worth and build their confidence from a much deeper place, just like you're doing right now. Let's help change the world, one woman at a time. All right, talk to you soon, friend. (upbeat music deploymentGOKU.

Changing Body Image and Self-Worth
Shifting Perspective and Finding Gratitude
The Power of Gratitude and Mindset