Love Your Body Now

Crafting Your 2024 Vision Board [Step Four]

Savannah Robertson Episode 42

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Welcome back to our series to the kick-off of 2024 with intentional goals and creating your vision board. In this episode, we talk about how to take the final steps of manifesting your 2024 vision by creating your vision board! If you've followed the first 3 steps in this process, then you're ready to make your vision board come to life because you've done the necessary foundational steps. 

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Love your Body Now podcast, the podcast for women who are ready to feel confident in their body right now and redefine what health looks like for them. I'm Savannah, your host, and together we'll be having conversations about what it means to accept and love our bodies now, while simultaneously prioritizing our health journey. We'll be debunking beliefs that do not serve us and diving into misconceptions and unhealthy narratives in the fitness world, so that we can rebuild our foundation from a place of self-love. Hello, welcome back to the Love your Body Now podcast. I'm super excited to record today because I unexpectedly took a little bit of a break over the holiday season. I was not expecting to end up taking a break, and then I ended up going home for the holidays and it wasn't something we had planned, so that was something that just kind of came up and we made a decision to go home, and so I ended up taking a break from the podcast as well, just because I didn't want to worry about trying to get out episodes while I was visiting with family for such a short time. But this episode is long overdue and if you were tuning into the series that we were talking about with planning your goals for 2024 and making a vision board, then I'm super excited that you're tuning in today and if you haven't listened to the other episodes and you are interested in creating a vision board, make sure to go back and listen to those episodes, because they are very intentional, because I share my process in how I create my vision board and I'm using the same process that I did last year, which I am making a few tweaks.

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But I went through this process last year during like the end of December, where I created my vision board and I actually made a physical vision board, because in the past I've made stuff you know where it's like on Pinterest, or I save photos on Pinterest but I never ended up making a physical board and I'd heard from so many people who were really good at manifesting at least they portrayed that they're very good at manifesting the things that they want into their life and just very abundant mindset. They all had to say one thing in common, which was you need a physical board. You can't just have like it as your desktop background. Although you can have it as your desktop background, you also need a physical board. So I was like, okay, this year at this time last year I was like I am going to make a physical board, but I need, I really want to be super connected with my board, because that was the other thing that I actually read a book that was all about creating your vision board and actually achieving the things that you put on your vision board. And it was very important that, whatever you put on your vision board, you have a very strong connection with. You can't just go on Pinterest and see some cool aesthetic photos and just like throw them up on a vision board to make them nice and pretty. There has to be a lot of intention behind it.

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And so I went through that process last year where I reflected on the past year and use that reflection to figure out what things I wanted to attract in my life for the upcoming year and the things that I just no longer wanted to put my energy into, and used that process to create my goals. And I feel like this was such a more effective process than starting with writing out my goals for the new year. Rather, I just really focused on my vision, really like how I want, like this, the things that I wanted to attract into my life and the energy that I wanted to carry and the things that I wanted to learn and all of all of that. And then I use that to create my goals. And I think that that is like the key to all of this, when people are making their vision boards and their goals for the new year, is to start with what happened this past year and the things that happened and the things that didn't happen, and just reflecting on it and sitting with that and listening to yourself and the things that you want and then using that to create goals. But I have always shared that like being super emotionally attached to your goals. I don't think is the way to go.

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I used to be like this, where I would set goals and that would be like the main driver of everything that I do and I would work very, very hard to achieve the goal, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I was also. It just was never. It never led to me feeling super satisfied or fulfilled, like I thought that those goals, achieving them, would make me feel validated and prove like some kind of worth that I carried. And although achieving them felt good in the moment, it just kind of like ended up. After things settled. I was like, okay, what's the next goal I need to set for myself, to like put all of my efforts into, and I just found this technique to be very exhausting and unfulfilling overall. So that is where I really started to make a shift.

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And I do set goals, very specific goals, but I now just use them more so as like markers for my actual vision and just like the life that I'm trying to create. I'm not super attached to them, because I've realized that my mind changes so much that sometimes I just I set these goals and then I realize like halfway through that like I just don't really want them or I will work really hard to achieve the goal, and then it takes away from the whole process that like of who the person I'm becoming in that process, and I just would rather focus on the process and the transformation honestly than the actual goal itself and whether or not I achieved it, because even if I don't achieve it, I've gone down the path of getting closer to my vision. So I want to share my process on how I actually created my vision board, because I feel, like a lot of people, they all have their own process, but the biggest thing is you have to be super connected with it. And so there are a few things that I tweaked this year, that I did last year with my vision board and I keep looking down because I'm like, looking at my vision board, so I don't have a whole lot of the actual goals that I had set for 2024 on my vision board and again, that's because I just I don't want to be emotionally attached to my goals. I do have some stuff on there but they're not like.

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So, for example, I have a couple of like financial goals. So I always will go on Canva and I'll kind of like Photoshop some stuff, like whether it's my bank account or like a payout app that I have, like that I have, and I'll put like a fake number in there to show, oh, you earned this much money or whatever, or you saved this much money. I'll do that. But, like again, I'm not super attached to the number. It's just more so as a reminder of like hey, like I'm looking to increase my finances or like my income this year and I'm looking to increase the different streams of revenue into my life, and that's just a really good reminder for me. But if the number isn't achieved, I don't really I don't, I won't be like super disappointed. It's just more so as a reminder, like hey, this is what I'm working towards and I just want it as a reminder to continue doing the action steps and taking the daily action that I need to take in order to get me closer to that type of lifestyle.

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But one thing that I did this year that I didn't do last year is I actually used some old photos of like myself, of me and my husband, my animals and just like not a whole lot, but like some places we went to remind me of, like the things that I am like looking to continue on, or like they motivate me in a way, because I feel like I'm very motivated by creating memories with the people that I care about and because we have done some of those things in the past before, and every time I look at them I feel so like emotionally connected to them and it brings me back to that day or that vacation or that trip that we had and it really does like make me feel some type of way and remind me of like oh, I love doing these things. I want to continue to set up my life to allow me to make these memories and do these things and also just like it just reminds me of the most important people in my life and all of the other aspects of my life that I'm trying to manifest. It's only going to enhance my relationships with the people that I care about. So that was like the intent behind it, and I also put up some old photos of myself as well, where I was really like into my fitness, and it wasn't as like I had debated this because it wasn't as a way for me to try and like see my old self and want to look how I used to look. It was more so as a reminder of like this was a time in my life when I was very disciplined with my nutrition and my exercise, and although I'm not trying to get like, I'm not trying to remove any kind of freedom that I have, I guess, created in my life around food and exercise, but I do feel like I could be more disciplined when it comes to these things, and I've realized that the more discipline that you have, the more freedom it actually grants you, and so I feel like there's a healthy balance between listening to your body and honoring that, but also pushing yourself when you don't feel like it, and I feel like this past year, just with some of the challenges that I'd faced and the new seasons that came in my life. It kind of resulted in me putting my health on a back burner not to the point where I've completely neglected it, but I do feel as if it did kind of take a backseat, like it went. It just like was a back burner for me and I just wanted to use those photos of me back when I was very, very disciplined, as a reminder that I have proven to myself in the past before that I can do hard things, that I can be disciplined in, that I'm really, like, capable of anything that I set my mind to. So that is something that I did.

Speaker 1:

Differently then last year's vision board, where I actually used old photos and old memories and pictures of people that I like. Just they really Motivate me to show up and they're basically my reason I Put those on my vision board and I kind of like Photoshop them some in a way as well. But yeah, I really like that this, that that was part of my vision board. The other thing so I should share my actual process that's the whole reason why I wanted to Do this episode was to share my process of where I get my photos and everything. So, when I'm actually finding the photos for my vision board, I obviously have out in front of me like the vision that I wrote down. Because, again, if you Haven't done those things, make sure you go back and listen to the previous episodes, because I walk you through how to Like connect with that and write these things down. So I had out in front of me my actual vision, the things that I wanted to manifest into my life, and then I also had goals out in front of me and I used all of these things that I had spent time figuring out and writing down as guides for when I'm finding photos on Pinterest. And so I Would go on Pinterest and I basically created a file that was all about 2024 and I literally just let myself kind of like go down the rabbit hole and save photos that reminded me of the vision that I have, that like Started in my own mind, like, oh yeah, like this photo reminds me of this goal or this thing that I want to manifest into my life, so I would save it and I Ended up with like a lot of photos, which is a good thing. You'd rather have like more photos than not.

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And this year, instead of like poster board, I actually went out and got a canvas because I feel like so the way that I did it last year was not a very efficient way. But so the way that I did it last year was I actually created my vision board on Canva first. So when it came time to actually print it out, it was very difficult because I had this big-ass poster board and then I only had my small printer and I just didn't like bother to try and figure out if I could go to like Office Depot or somewhere else to print a big, you know, massive thing of it. I was like no, like I want to do it now and like print it onto this poster board that I already bought. So I I think I tried to like split it up into four quadrants after I had already created it on Canva and it just ended up like it just ended up not printing outright. I was, things were off-centered and it ended up being super tiny compared to the actual board that I bought or like poster board that I bought. So I Recommend doing it this way. That it did it this year.

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I it's, and let me just disclaimer like I am terrible when it comes to DIY shit. Like I I honestly do not like or enjoy doing projects. It's just like I don't know, like it's not my thing, like I don't enjoy how long it takes to actually like complete a project. So Making this, making vision boards, it's not something that I liked it like I like enjoy that much. I Tried to enjoy the whole process and I like I like writing things down, I like coming up with goals and then I like going through like the pictures and stuff and you know, kind of manipulating them. But when it comes to like actually making the board, like I get pretty frustrated quickly. So and I've had a couple people like tell me the same thing like, oh, like I really want to make a vision board, but like it's just such a long process. I I know I get it, but like it is worth it. It is worth it to Set aside time in your day and it took me a couple days After I had like printed out all the photos and like was trying to re trying to arrange it on my board. Like it took me a few days before I actually finished this, but it is worth it. I promise you it is worth it to have the actual physical board and take the time to Create it, because you will be staring at it every single day of the new year and it is a physical Board as opposed to a desktop, like it.

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Just it is like the one thing. Like I have started so many projects in my life and I quit them. I just like I don't have the attention span to tackle on projects that like when I'm doing the same thing over and over again for a long period of time, I just cannot. Like I hate, I hate it, but this is like the one thing that I'm like. No, I am seeing this through. Like this is important to me. I need this board in order to have like to remind me of the Things I'm trying to manifest into my life and just like a reminder to have an abundant mindset every single day. So that is something I will say is like.

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I know that vision boards are not, like this, like quick thing For us to complete, but I promise you they are worth it. The vision board that I made last year although it looked like shit, I I Achieved many of the things that I put on my vision board and my life, like I Manifested the type of energy that I was looking to manifest into my life in ways that I just like could not have Imagined. It's just crazy to me and it's like Because that was like enough proof for me, I'm just like there's no way in hell that I will never not make a physical vision board every single year because of the power I believe it to have and I just I need that reminder for myself because otherwise we get caught up in like the life and Different things that come up in our day. It just you need it as a reminder. You need the physical board.

Speaker 1:

So what I did was I again I saved all of those folders, all of those files of photos, and then I went out. I went to hobby no, I went to what's the other one, michaels? I went to Michael specifically, I picked up a canvas I Don't know how big it is, but it's a pretty decent size board and then I picked up Glue, which ended up not working on the canvas anyways, and then I picked up. I picked up mod podge However, you say that mod podge or something like that and I actually found like a sparkly mod podge. So I grabbed that one because that's just my personality, I love like sparkly things. So I was like, yes, that's, that's a helios for me. What else? Yeah, I think that was it.

Speaker 1:

So then all of the photos that I Saved from Pinterest and then all of the photos that I had gathered from like Again like the memories that I had from before I think I went into Canva and Like put all of these photos on like what's the typical size? 8 by 5?, I think and I just like put them on there because I didn't want any issues with like the Way the photos turned out. I could crop them how I wanted. And then so I just like moved them over to that size so that when I went to go print them they were all Correctly formatted how I wanted, and some of them obviously didn't fit correctly in the 8 by 5, and so what I would do is I just like moved them over to the file, and if they were smaller and they had white space, that was fine, because I was like, oh well, I'm gonna like cut these photos anyways to how I want them. So that is what I did, and Then I Ordered the photos to like print at Walgreens or whatever.

Speaker 1:

So that was my process and then I came home and that that's when things like got frustrating and I took a long time, but it was well worth it, because I'm obsessed with my vision board. So I basically sat down and that's when I I separated the photos and that's one thing that when you're going through Pinterest and looking for photos, you should have Multiple photos for each like area of life that you have like set a goal for. That you have like kind of casted out your vision for. So, for example, I put in there that I wanted to Make our home feel like a home. We moved into this new home and it really just like has not we never? There's just like so much clutter and we haven't decorated here. So I feel like there it's just like not the type of space that I I want, that I am obsessed with, and for me, I want the spaces in our home to make me feel a certain way, especially like, for example, when I come in to my house, like downstairs into our living room, it's really important for me for it to feel very cozy, warm and inviting.

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And if you're not intentional about what you have in your home, like the decorating that you have going on, all of that, it's not going to feel that way, and I know like for me, I want it to feel that way because I want to create a space where I can feel relaxed and just like feel calm in. So that is why it's like very important for me to be intentional about those things. And same thing goes for, like, my office space, which I share with Victor. So there are some things that I can't completely control because his stuff is in here too, but I know, like the office space that I want to have, like I want it to make me feel more, more energized, more productive, like no clutter, so like all of this wiring that I'm staring at with my computer, that is going to be something that I'm going to tackle on at some point to make it feel less cluttery, so that my mind is freed up from that space and I just I'm going to be more productive.

Speaker 1:

So those are just a few examples, and so what I, when I was looking on Pinterest, I was finding different photos of like cozy homes and office spaces that I wanted to make my office space look like, and so then I'm like those are some of the photos that I have in there, and the other thing, too, is that I am doing a lot of ventures on the side, so I have photos in there that remind me of that. You know, I have a photo of me like recording a podcast. I have photos of, you know, different things and services that I'm going to be offering in In 2024 as well that just kind of remind me of that and you Remind me of, like, the things that I enjoy and why I'm showing up for them. So, again, that is like something I'm super connected to, and Even when I was like creating the board so obviously I'm the one who found all of the photos and did all of that but, like, I think that there's something super special about Actually creating the board yourself, when it comes to like laying out all the photos and putting them how you want, as opposed to like if you had someone else do it for you, because it took me a couple times to like actually See my board and like Feel like it looked right and feel like it looked good, and If someone else had done it, I may not have been like super as like connected with it or it may not have like felt like looked right. Maybe I would have wanted to make a couple changes, and you just like, don't want to feel that way about a board that's meant to Help you feel more abundant and help you to like manifest things into your life. So that is what I, what I wanted to say about that.

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I did also write down a couple of words and mantras for my 2020 24, for my 2024 vision, when I was like writing down all my goals and it and this is the one thing that I didn't put on my board that I Kind of wish I had, but, like I also don't know, I hadn't like printed out or written down these Quotes or these words, so I still may add them. I don't know, it just depends. If I don't, though, I will make sure to at least put them somewhere that is near my vision board, like I plan to have these things Near my vision board, because I do think that having the mantras or the affirmations, or, like the words that you are most Focused on for 2024 is also super important. So that is something to keep in mind, too, when you're making your vision board. You don't want it to all be words, but you also, like, don't want it to all just be pictures. I think there's a happy medium between the two. So some of the words that I wrote down that I want to be able to describe my 2024 are consistent, aligned, entrepreneur, creative, rich, clean, authentic and manifest. All of those words like feel very powerful for me and Are just like really great reminders for what I'm looking to do in 2024. So I will for sure be having those words somewhere in front of me to Be a reminder. And then some quotes that I wrote down for 2024 that like I really connected with was be the woman you would look Up to do it for future you and then think it want it to get it. Those mantras or quotes are like Perfect for what I need as a reminder and like who I'm looking to show up as. Like those mantras are perfect for me as Reminders. So I do think it's important to have those like put thought into, like quotes again that really Resonate with you.

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One thing that I have on my vision board it was a photo that I found that had this writing on it already which was creating a productive workspace, and so I had put that photo like with other photos that I have of like the office space that I want to have and so, again, like it really just has to resonate with you and it does not have to look like anyone else's vision board. I think that that's like the biggest thing that I see People do is they like they just like throw up pictures that are aesthetic and stuff. And I even kind of did it a little bit last year. Again, that was like my first physical vision board, where I just like I put up photos, like, for example, I put up a photo of this girl working out and Obviously, like she just didn't look anything like me, which is fine but I Don't think it resonated as much as me right now.

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Like where I put up photos of me in my fitness clothes and like, just like portraying my fitness, like I feel like I resonate and connect with photos of myself of like when I was very disciplined and like, just like took Very good care of, like, my physical health. I Feel like that that motivates me more than seeing some random girl that like we just don't even have the same body type at all. So, like me seeing her up there and Like almost like it just kind of led to me like comparing my body with hers and like knowing that I'll probably never look like her. Even though that wasn't like the whole Thought process behind having her up there in the first place, it was just meant to like remind me like oh okay, like we need to prioritize physical health. It just feels a lot more powerful. Like seeing me when I was like very I Don't know like I just felt very empowered and very confident and I feel like I Walked that way like I taught, like I felt, like I talked super confident because I was prioritizing my health in a way that I kind of fell out of a little bit and I'm just like looking for that happy balance and so those photos of me just reminded me to show up for myself and in like my physical health. So that is a whole thought process process.

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Behind those, I put up a couple of photos where I feel like I Just genuinely look happy, like the smile on my face is just like I'm just so content and happy and I just want to be reminded of that every day. I want to see like how happy I looked in the photo. You know how confident I felt and I know I remember like it brings me back to the day that I took that photo and I remember just feeling like so not focused on like my body image and how I looked, like. I just was genuinely happy that day, and I just want that to serve as a reminder for me every single day that there's more to life than my physical appearance. There's more to life than all of that I just want to be reminded of, like To be present and in the moment and just to enjoy the little things in life, and that photo of me specifically Reminds me of that. So that's why it's super important to like take this time to do that and really like become connected with what you are doing and don't just like go through the motions like, yes, it's gonna take time, but again, it's going to be so worth it because it's going to lead to the things that you want to achieve and manifest into your life in 2024.

Speaker 1:

So With that, I will leave you to it. I hope that you take the time to make your 2024 vision board, and if you have any questions on my process and what I did, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm super an open book about the whole process, because I just want more and more people to be able to achieve the things and Focus on the things that are super important to them in their lives. So let me know if you have questions and I will talk to you soon. Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode.

Speaker 1:

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