Love Your Body Now

What I'm Manifesting in 2024

Savannah Robertson Episode 44

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As we wrap up one more trip around the sun, I'm feeling all reflective and hyped for what's ahead in 2024. With the Love Your Body Now podcast, we've built this awesome space to dive into the real, sometimes tough talks about self-love and feeling good about our bodies.

In this episode, I'm pulling back the curtain on my own life journey, chatting about how my career changes shook things up and affected my health and fitness goals. It's a tale of setting intentions, getting creative with vision boards, and seeing the magic that happens when we bring our deepest desires to life. And I'm not just chatting about my stuff—I'm inviting you to think about what you want to make happen in this shiny new year.

We're also diving into how this podcast has brought out a whole new level of realness. I'm blown away by the connections I've made with you, the listeners, and can't wait to see what's in store this year.  

So, join me as we look ahead not just to achieving goals, but to living authentically and loving fiercely—both our bodies and our dreams. It's going to be an epic journey, and I'm stoked you're along for the ride.

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Speaker 1:

If you are someone who is on a journey towards self-love or you are passionate about the mission behind finding confidence in the body that you have now and building acceptance around it and really focusing on having body neutrality, then I need you to go and check out the Love your Body Now apparel. We come out with new designs very often and they are all about the mission of practicing loving your body, having a healthy relationship with yourself and also prioritizing your mental health and well-being. If that is something that you are passionate about and you want to represent this mission, then I encourage you to go and check out our apparel. We also have stickers. Because you are a listener of the podcast, I am including a discount for just the listeners of this podcast. There's nowhere else that you can get this discount. Be sure to head over to the link in our show notes and use the code LYBNLISTENER, and I will also include that in the show notes as well, so that you can just easily copy and paste that check out. All right, without further ado, let's get into today's episode. Welcome to the Love your Body Now podcast, the podcast for women who are ready to feel confident in their body right now and redefine what health looks like for them. I'm Savannah, your host, and together we'll be having conversations about what it means to accept and love our bodies now, while simultaneously prioritizing our health journey. We'll be debunking beliefs that do not serve us and diving into misconceptions and unhealthy narratives in the fitness world, so that we can rebuild our foundation from a place of self-love. Hey friend, welcome back to the Love your Body Now podcast. If you are new here, thank you so much for tuning into today's episode and if you are a regular listener, I'm so grateful for you and would love to connect with you. And if so, if you are a regular listener, please reach out to me and let me know how you were liking the podcast and different topics that you would like me to cover in 2024, because I love receiving suggestions on different topics to cover.

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So let's get into today's episode. If you tuned into my series on how to basically set up your 2024 goals and your vision board, then I am super excited to share with you things that I plan to manifest and attract and just the different things that I'm focused on in the new year. So you, if you tuned into that series which, if you didn't, you definitely should go back and listen to the process that I use to set up my new year goals and my vision board, because it is a whole process. I have a lot of intention behind it and I did this process last year and I manifested and achieved so many of the things on my 2023 vision board. So I shared that process of what I did and I talked about the whole intentionality behind it and what I did and different ways and processes behind creating your vision board. So make sure you tune into that. If you're someone who is looking to create a vision board, it is not too late, I promise. I know everyone is like back in December, like don't wait to do it, but it is never too late to start thinking about the things that you want to attract more into your life and the goals that you want to achieve. And I just was pretty open about that whole process that I went through and I actually wanted to do an episode sharing about the things that I am personally focused on for 2024, just because I feel like I want to be super transparent on my platforms and also just like share about what's going on in my life.

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I feel like so much happened in 2023 that I just had not expected. I mean, there were things that happened that I'm super grateful for and I had achieved in all of the great things, but it didn't. It didn't fully look how I expected and I used that to reflect on and decide what I wanted to really focus on in the new year and I'm just I'm grateful for 2023. I feel like it wasn't what I thought it would be, but it also led to so many things and I feel like I learned so much about myself. That is allowing me to really step into this new era for myself in 2024 and really attract the things like I really feel ready to attract some things into my life that I just feel more confident about this year because of the things that I learned and reflected on in 2023. And let me just start by saying I actually am going into the new year with a new job yet again, and I actually plan to do an episode talking about my career navigations from 2023, because I did share a little bit about them on the podcast, like what I was doing, and I just want to talk about what's been going on in my life and why it's kind of like I feel like with 2023, it actually led to me putting my health and fitness kind of on a back burner, more so than I ever have let it get to before, and I just feel like that had a lot to do with the stress that I was experiencing due to me navigating some new ventures in 2023 and just kind of realizing some things about myself and some things that I really wanted, that I was really trying to work towards.

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So I plan to do a whole episode talking about navigating my career this past year and just kind of sharing my takeaways, especially if you're someone who's like in your 20s whether it's your early 20s or late 20s like I feel like this information is super helpful to understand about yourself and your career, which I'm now like literally today is my birthday and I'm 26,. Like I just turned 26, which is like so weird to say for me and I feel like the younger version of me would have expected so like such a different reality for where I'm at right now as a 26 year old. But I honestly feel super at peace with where I'm at now and I'm super super excited for 2024. Like I literally cannot explain how excited I am for 2024, because I just have this really amazing feeling about it of what it's going to manifest and like play out into. I'm just I'm ready for it. I'm super excited to see what all unfolds.

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But I wanted to just share a little bit about the things that I'm focused on for 2024, whether you're looking for inspiration or you just like learning and hearing what other people are focused on in their own lives and whatever. I always like learning about other people's processes, of what they're focused on and their goals and everything. And this is the paper I have it out in front of me that I use to not only create my goals for 2024, but to create my vision board. Again, if you wanna learn about my process, go back and listen to those episodes. But when I was after I had reflected on 2023, I used that reflection to basically write down my vision for 2024, the things that I really wanted to focus on and go all in on and just like attract into my life and I'm you know that may change as the year goes on, but, like as of right now, this is really what I feel connected to and where I want to take things. So I wrote down, basically bullet point style, all of the different areas in my life that I wanna focus on and what I want it to look and feel like. So the first thing that I wrote down was building a well-known brand for the Love your Body Now community brand whatever you wanna call it.

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I feel like at this time last year when I was learning about the direction that I wanted to take this which, if you've been following me for a while, you know that I started out doing like health coaching. I was a brand ambassador for a fitness company and like was focused on that and I was sharing about my health journey and at the same time, I was like kind of like guiding other women on their health journey and it evolved into me creating a coaching program where I was specifically helping women with their overall like limiting beliefs about their body image and just like helping them work through finding like confidence in who they were as of right now, as opposed to like what the fitness industry says, which is to focus on weight loss goals and then you know you'll build a confidence like after you lose the weight and you have obtained the body that you desire. And when I was like learning about coaching in my own health journey back when I was like a fitness ambassador and kind of like coaching people on the side, I learned so much about the fitness industry and just the messaging behind it and that's what really led me to me talking into this microphone today and like this podcast, because I just like it did not sit well with me how the marketing is, what it is in the fitness industry and even the beauty industry and it just made me super hyper aware of the way coaches and personal trainers and gyms and all of that, the narrative that they speak into and the messaging that they use to sell their products and services which you know could be a whole topic that we get into. But it led me to wanting to shift my entire focus when I was in 2023. When I set my goals, I created a vision board. I put on there that I wanted to build a community and I put on pictures of like people speaking at events and just like these women gather together and like feeling the sense of community over an overall bigger mission, and it didn't quite play out the way I thought it would in 2023.

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However, I do feel like I was well on my way to achieving these things, because I not only started my podcast, where I was so shocked when I actually had listeners on the podcast, like right away and it's not the number that I would like ideally want it to be, but like I had listeners, which for me, was so validating, like even having one person listen to the podcast that I launched back in March, which was also on my vision board. It was so validating as me, just like knowing that it was the right direction as of right now, like this is what I meant to be doing. It feels so much more authentic for me than trying to sell coaching programs and continue to like post so much about that stuff on social media which maybe that'll evolve again but like it's really what led to this now the Love your Body Now brand and I was able to actually host a workshop with a group of women in person, which basically, is what I wanted from my vision board. You know, I had these pictures of a woman like speaking. She was on a stage, she was speaking in front of an audience and I feel like that happened for me in 2023. It wasn't a stage, but it was me getting the opportunity to speak in front of a group of women and it was an amazing experience, like such an authentic experience and it got the women speaking and thinking about the things that I just want to speak on and help shift the narrative. And so for me, that's why it is like super near and dear to my heart to build a brand and continue to grow it.

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I feel like right now it's kind of stagnant and that's just because I haven't been able to focus solely on it especially in 2023, just all of the things that I had going on, and you know it will continue to be something that I pursue on the side. But it fulfills me in a way that, like I just feel like there's no, there's not this huge pressure for me to try and make money from the brand. It just is something that I can pour into and speak my own thoughts. And it also helps me with my own healing process, because, even though I talk so much about body image and health and fitness and all of that, I still internally struggle with body image, and this brand has kind of been the thing that has allowed me to continue my healing process and always move forward with it and, like reflect on myself. And so I feel like, even though I talk as if I have achieved or I've overcome limiting beliefs and feelings of unworthiness and feelings that you know my body isn't beautiful the way that it is. I haven't, and I've, of course, come a long way, but I enjoy the process of like sharing what's on my heart and what's on my mind and where I'm currently out in my journey and like doing that with other women. So if you are a listener to this podcast, like you know, I'm pretty open about what I'm going through most of the time and how I'm processing it, and maybe that it means that I'm one step further than the listener listening in on it and it helps her to kind of shift her perspective a little bit. So it's just a domino effect for me and feels, you know, just feels like something I feel called to do and continue to doing and really trying to put more intentionality behind growing it and getting in front of more people this year. So that is where I'm at with it.

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With my Love your Body Now brand, I'm going to continue to focus on the podcast and the apparel line that I started and just like focus on pouring into those things this year. Now this next focus may be a little bit of a challenge for me because I'm actually going to be working from home starting in 2024. I'm starting a new job in a couple of weeks and I'm going to be working from home, but I do have on here that I want to make new connections and friendships. So one of the things that I am considering is actually joining like a community, and there is a community that I have found that is like for entrepreneurs. So I've considered doing that. I'm planning on going to an event in February where it is a bunch of women entrepreneurs getting together and, just you know, connecting with one another, networking and learning how to grow with their own challenges.

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So there are ways that I'm looking to connect and build new friendships in 2024. And I feel like, honestly, like the most, the most, I feel like I've made friends the most through actually putting myself out there, whether it's on social media or in these like groups settings that I like have no idea what I'm doing and I don't even know the people. Just like putting myself out there in ways that, like a lot of people would not feel comfortable doing, as opposed to where you typically find friendships through like work or like settings like that which I have, but like the like one of my friends that I have, like I actually a couple of my friends, like the way that I've met them is through social media, and I feel like those are some of the most authentic relationships that I have, like such a deep connection with these people. So it is part of my focus to continue building relationships with others and connecting with more like minded people, because I feel like it can be challenging connecting with the right people, that you know we're going in the same direction, that you're looking to take your life and to grow in the same way. So I am looking to manifest those types of relationships into my life and those types of connections. I am also focused on building a flexible lifestyle and this has always been like something super important to me.

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But as I've navigated it since I've, you know, started my adult life, it has been a challenge and I think for me, like I'm very connected with, like my intuition of like, oh, this doesn't feel right or oh, this feels right, you know, but I never like have been able to see the full picture. I just like know the things that I want but then, at the same time, like I don't know how to get there, and I think that's where I really struggled in 2023 was feeling like I was very aligned with the things that I was doing in my life. And if I don't feel aligned with stuff, like it disrupts my entire well-being. Like I was at a job that just like got to the point where it no longer it just was no longer right that's all I can say about it and it just like completely disrupted my entire life. Like I wasn't sleeping, I was struggling to prioritize my health, I was overeating, I was eating like crap. It just was like I became in this state of survival mode and I could not get out of it.

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And I really struggled with it as well, because I thought mentally, like I, just I was like, oh, like I, I was just really hard on myself because I thought that I there was something wrong with me where I just could not feel satisfied in the things that I was doing, and things felt wrong and I didn't know how to fix it. And I felt like I was constantly like the best way to describe it was it felt like I was drowning and like I just could not get my head above water, which sounds so dramatic, and that was another reason why I felt I just felt like a piece of shit, because I'm like I feel like I'm over exaggerating with how I feel about my situation, like I should not be feeling this way. And so it was like this constant battle of me not feeling aligned but then me getting really mad at myself for feelings the way, feeling the way that I did, because I thought that I was weak and I thought that I was ungrateful. So it's just like this constant battle that I was having mentally and then it just like affected all the other areas of my life. Like I was constantly annoyed all the time, I was stressed all the time, I was anxious all the time and I felt like I was going through seasons of like feeling depressed. It was just like a mess for my well being, and so and I knew that like I just really wanted to be in a situation where I wasn't like centering my whole life around one thing I've really learned not about myself that like if I don't have multiple things to be directing my focus and like feel passionate about and feel like I'm just like able to be in my flow, then I will be unhappy, and I think that that's where I was struggling so much with.

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It was I was in a job that I basically like had. It was so, it was taking up so much of my time and so many ways which I will talk about in another episode but it ended up like. It ended up feeling like it was taking away from, like things in my life. That lit me up and I think that that's what led to my unhappiness so much and I just like, was in a constant state of like, wanting to redirect everything, like basically like start over and just be like I need. I need something that allows me to still be authentically me and allow me to still show up authentically myself. And yeah, so I. It has led to me being able to find a work from home job, which I'm very, very grateful for, because that was something that I was really trying to find for a very long time and I think that it had to do with me putting it out into the universe. That was what I was in search for and it worked out.

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So I am focused on building a very flexible lifestyle this year and allowing myself to pursue many things that light me up. And, yeah, and like, just grant me you know, I'm really focused on like, living as a like, building my lifestyle around, like being able to have more freedom in my life as opposed to building my lifestyle around a career and, yeah, we'll talk more about it in a different episode, but that is another focus for me. I am also focused on making our house feel like a home. I talked about this in the episode where I talked about my vision board, where it's super important for me to start prioritizing our like, the way that our house is decorated and the amount of clutter that we have, whether we need to get more organizing things or maybe we need to get rid of stuff. But, like, I am focused on making our house feel like hours, because I think that there is a lot of power in that.

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When you have intentionality behind the home that you create for yourself whether it's creating a calming, warm, inviting environment and making it feel very clean and, you know, getting rid of a lot of clutter I think that it frees up a lot of space in your mind and allows you to have a certain energy about yourself. So, yeah, I have a lot of photos on my vision board that really remind me of the space that I'm looking to create. It's not going to happen overnight, but it is a reminder of hey, the space that you were living in is very important If you want to achieve the things that you're looking to achieve and attract into your life, and I remember seeing a video, I think, on TikTok that talked about if your kitchen is like a mess, it basically takes away from your ability to attract more money into your life because you're just not in a state of receiving. So that was a nice little reminder for me, because we definitely can let our kitchen get a little messy pretty regularly. So it's something that I want to be super intentional about is just keeping a clean space and eventually adding in things that just make this house feel like a home for us. The other thing that these two things are kind of part of my build a flexible lifestyle, which is spend more time with our animals and really give them the best life that they deserve and then prioritize my relationship with my husband, victor.

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So I think that part of me, the situation that I was in before it, was taking away from those things, and because those things are so important to me, like they are one of the some of the most important things to me, and because I was not in a situation where my lifestyle was really allowing that, where it was like I had to pick and choose whether or not to do something intentional with my husband or to take care of my animals, or if I wanted to spend my time on my health and fitness or I wanted to do something that allowed me to be in my creative flow. I was constantly having to pick and choose, and I understand that there. Sometimes, you know, we just do not have enough time in the day and you have to pick and choose. But it was at a point where I was picking and choosing and I was really only having time for one thing, if any, and sometimes I felt so depleted and burnt out that I wouldn't pick any of them and I would just be like I was just, I was just trying to get by, and so I think that that's really what led to my unalignment, where it was like none of this matters to me. You know, if I, if I can't do or prioritize the things in my life that mean the most to me, then I need to reevaluate. So that's kind of to the. That's where I got, and I mean I know that part of it is because I'm so multi, passionate and like I'm very high achievers, so it's like I kind of have this mindset of like constantly doing and doing and doing and going, and going, and going and I know that that's kind of a flaw at some times. So it was again just a constant battle with myself. But for me, like those things are very important to me, like those things are on my vision board, my animals are my vision board and my husband's on my vision board, so it will be a constant reminder of like I'm building a flexible lifestyle that will allow me to prioritize the most important things in my life. So next, kind of going into some of the things that I'm working on, I am focused on attracting more money, that and there's a couple of different ways that I'm doing that. So I put on there that I'm increasing my income streams and passive streams. So one of the ways that I'm trying to do this and focusing on in the new year is for the Love your Body Now brand.

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I have started basically a clothing brand, clothing line. I don't know what you want to call it. I'm still navigating it. I'm still learning it and trying to figure out what it looks like in 2024. But it is something that lights me up. I love, love, love designing new like designs or shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, whatever stickers for the mission that I'm very passionate about. So I I love being able to do this. You know, I'm trying to learn how I can monetize it a little bit better. So that is a focus for me in 2024 as one of my streams of income, and I'm trying to make it as passive as possible, because I know a lot of people who you know they like to share their thoughts and expertise and, you know, ask questions as well, and a lot of people have asked me you know, why don't you buy like one of those machines, like a cricket machine or an embroidery machine or whatever, and then you can like make them and all that stuff. But, like, for me, I am just focused on like creating the designs as of right now and experimenting with companies that are print on demand. So, basically, when people order it, they can put in the order and someone else, basically will make the product for me and then ship it to them, and so that is one way I'm really trying to focus on passive income and, yeah, I have a lot of strategies that I'm focused on doing that and implementing it. So I'm excited to see where what it leads to.

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Another way that I'm looking to track more money aside from my like nine to five work from home job is I am actually starting like a marketing agency with a friend of mine and we're we're focused on working with clients on the side who have businesses and are looking to grow their businesses in 2024. So we're offering a variety of different services when it comes to marketing and getting in front of more people and just helping them optimize their business needs. So that is something that I really, really enjoy. I love all things marketing. If I could go back in time and get a degree in marketing or something along those lines, I probably would. But you know I am super excited to be able to do that on the side and pursue it on the side and continue learning and be able to do it with someone else who I feel like I can also learn from and you know I enjoy her company so much and you know I feel like we make a really great team. So it's a super exciting venture that we're pursuing in 2024 and hopefully we will be able to help so many businesses achieve their business goals and help them, you know, get in front of more people for their ideal audience and just help more people achieve their dreams is something that feels really, really close to my heart and feels very, very good for me and what I'm looking to pursue.

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So I think that there's like a lot to say in. You know, if I'm looking to attract more money, doing it in ways that feel authentic for me. I think in the past before, I've had that mantra written down before and focused on attracting money and doing it in ways that maybe weren't super authentic and you know, at the time I didn't really know that they weren't authentic for me. I don't regret anything. I feel like I've learned so much from the different things that I've tried in the past before. So it is what it is. But right now, for 2024, the ways that I'm looking to attract more money just it feels very authentic for me and feels right, and I'm super excited to be pursuing multiple things.

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I think one of the limiting beliefs that I carry is like you're gonna you know you're doing too much or you can't have all of those things, because other people have told me that and they're like, wow, like how are you gonna balance all of that? And you know I'm working on it. I'm figuring it out, how I am going to balance on it and I'm figuring out my priorities of like you know, if it comes down to this, like, what's the priority here? So I'm figuring it out, but I also I'm kind of taking away the expectation of needing to achieve things. I mean, yes, like it's great to have the goals, but like I am trying not to be super attached to like specific money goals. I have money goals written down, but it's more about attracting things into my life that I didn't have before. And the nice thing about working like a nine to five is that it allows you to have a secure paycheck and, at the same time, like it takes away this expectation that you have to make money from your other side hustles or whatever you're doing. It's more like it's just a bonus for me. So, yeah, that's that's, that's my main focus.

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And then the last one, which is actually probably the most important one, is to reprioritize my physical health and make it like my top priority. So doing regular physical activity and really focusing on eating food, that is, whole food, and limiting the processed foods and just like eating and moderation and not overeating. So just that's like honestly, the most important thing for me right now, because when that is what I'm focused on and like what I'm doing well at, I feel like it allows me to show up in a way that I can't if I'm not prioritizing those things. So that is the thing that I'm refocusing on this year is to really get in a great habit of exercising and, at the same time, listening and honoring my body, but prioritizing movement throughout this year and eating foods that feel good and cooking more at home and limiting fast food and sweets and overeating. So that is my main focus for this year and that is the list that I use to not only create my specific goals but to also create my vision board. So I hope that it was helpful, that I shared and obviously, again, I have a lot of grace with myself and I know that things will shift and change as 2024 goes on, and I'm okay with that.

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So, yeah, I am looking forward to this new year and I will continue to share my journey on social media and on this podcast. And, yeah, I will chat with you next week. Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode. You have no idea how grateful I am to have you as one of the Love your Body Now listeners, if you are loving this podcast, it would mean the world to me if you subscribed and left a review. This helps me get the message out to more women just like you who are also committed to their journey, and if you love this episode, please be sure to share it with someone who you know needs to hear today's message. Together, we can help more women recognize their self-worth and build their confidence from a much deeper place, just like you're doing right now. Let's help change the world, one woman at a time. Alright, talk to you soon, friend.