Love Your Body Now

My Liberating Experience at an Inner Healing Event

Savannah Robertson Episode 47

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Today, I'm sharing with you my individual experience at a healing event I recently attended. This event was a pivotal experience in my healing journey. As we navigate the emotional landscapes of our lives, events like the Galentine's gathering reveal the indelible strength found in community and the healing that blossoms from shared vulnerability. From the liberating practices of somatic healing to the reflective tranquility, this episode is an invitation into a year dedicated to personal healing and the beautiful unfolding of self-discovery.

Join me in embracing the journey towards becoming the women we are destined to be, with self-love guiding every step.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Love your Body Now podcast, the podcast for women who are ready to feel confident in their body right now and redefine what health looks like for them. I'm Savannah, your host, and together we'll be having conversations about what it means to accept and love our bodies now, while simultaneously prioritizing our health journey. We'll be debunking beliefs that do not serve us and diving into misconceptions and unhealthy narratives in the fitness world, so that we can rebuild our foundation from a place of self-love. Hello, welcome back to the Love your Body Now podcast. If you are a regular listener, thank you so much for tuning into the podcast regularly. I just want to thank you and, if I could, I would hug you for your support of this podcast and this brand. I appreciate you so much and I just really wanted to say that. I mean I know I kind of say that every episode, but, gosh, I am feeling it so much. This morning I just finished journaling and meditating, so I'm actually recording this podcast super early before I start work and, yeah, I'm just feeling so much gratitude and love this brand and love the mission, and I love each and every one of you who tune into the podcast, or maybe you follow the social media page or maybe you've ordered one of our apparel items, and I just want to individually thank you. Your way, you have supported this brand. I am so grateful to you and I just love the opportunity to be able to continue growing this brand and having individuals come in and resonate with it and connect with it and continue to support it. So, again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for tuning in and listening. If you were new to the podcast, welcome. I am so grateful that you are here and that you were led to this brand and this community and I hope that you get out of whatever you need from this episode or, if you tune into other episodes, I hope you get what you are looking for. So thank you, thank you, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, I'm recording this episode super early. I work from home now, so I am able to really take advantage of the time and the windows of time that I have now that I'm not commuting and running all over the place, so I'm super, super grateful to be able to do that. And what's wild is so I actually have not recorded a podcast episode in almost two months now, which is it feels like it's been so long and obviously, if you've been listening to the podcast, you know that regular episodes have been coming out. We made the change at the beginning of this year to do bi-weekly releases of episodes instead of every single week and I honestly love this so much more. I feel like it is very manageable for me and it just is. It feels I don't know right now it feels really good to do it this way and, you know, maybe one day in the future we will go back to every single week, maybe one day we'll go to twice a week, who knows? But I am really. I just feel like I am able to still enjoy doing the podcast because I'm no longer overwhelmed by trying to get it out an episode every single week. So that is why we are doing it bi-weekly, because I want to enjoy this work and I don't want to feel overwhelmed. And just by that little shift I have been able to manage my time so much better and have been able to still continue to pour into this stuff. So, yeah, I feel like, again, I haven't recorded since early January and now it is almost I think it's like the last week of February, which is crazy, and if I'm being completely honest with you.

Speaker 1:

I feel like a completely different person than when I last recorded the beginning of the January, and if you listen to the episodes that released, that have released this year, you know that I have been going through some transitions. I have been really like reflecting and just reevaluating my life and what it is I want to do and how I want to evolve as a person and all of the things that I've been doing. And let me just tell you it has been working, the work that I've been putting in. I feel so different as a person. I feel like I show up so differently for myself and just how I show up in the world. And it's only been two months. I cannot wait to see what happens, who I become by the end of this year. And I told you I told you in the episodes that have been releasing, that this year, for whatever reason, just feels different. It feels like a major shift is happening. I don't have any reason to have proof of why it feels that way or just why I feel like that is happening. But yeah, for whatever reason, it feels like it's going to be a very transformative year and I'm already feeling the impacts of that already. And it has not even been the first quarter of the year, hasn't even completed yet and maybe I'll share some of the things that I've been doing and share some of the books that I feel like have really impacted the way that I've been showing up, that have really been super, super transformative for me.

Speaker 1:

But this episode I really want to focus on sharing my experience at an event that I went to last weekend. The event was in Fresno, california, and I actually mentioned this event in one of the episodes that have already come out this year that I was talking about. I think maybe it was an episode where I was talking about vision boards. Maybe I don't know, it's been a while since I recorded those, but I remember talking about saying this year that one of the things I wanted to prioritize was deep connections, deep friendships, and I shared that. I knew it was going to be or at least seemed like it was going to be a challenge because I was transitioning to a remote role and obviously if you're working from home, it's going to be a little bit more challenging to meet new people and make those connections.

Speaker 1:

Basically and I had said that I'm aware of this I am doing things to make an effort to put myself out there and to meet new people, and one of those was signing up or joining. I don't even know I signed up for this event that was coming up, that I really just felt called and tugged towards. Basically that there was a lot of reasoning behind wanting to talk myself out of it. Even and part of me almost did talk myself out of going because, again, I was in between jobs when I signed up for this and bought my flight and bought the hotel rooms. So I literally used, I pulled money from my savings account to pay for all of this and because I was in this transitional stage, I feel like I was starting to do work on myself, like true inner healing.

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It was just a no-brainer for me, like no, don't talk yourself out of this. You feel called to go to this event for a reason. You tend to not invest in yourself when it comes to these things. You tend to talk yourself out of it and the person that I am trying to become and work on where I truly believe that I am worthy, I am deserving, I deserve to invest in myself and I deserve to be in the room with the type of women I'm trying to surround myself with and connect with and to become Like she wouldn't talk herself out of going to an event that she does have the money for, just because it feels a little bit scary, a little bit expansive, a little bit of you know the unknown.

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And it wasn't that I didn't know anyone going to this event. I actually had connected with a lot of women that have been to this event before and I had connected with them and knew that they were going. So it was, you know, something that I was just like I want to go, I want to experience this event. I've heard amazing things about the experience that you get from it and I want to meet these women in person that I've connected with literally over social media. I've had some of them be guests on the podcast. Like it was just I need to be in this room. And again it was just a feeling Like you, I've been feeling a lot more connected with God and the universe and just like tapping more into my spirituality.

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And this was one of those like little nudges, you know when you feel in your gut and it was just like you you need to go. Like, stop trying to talk yourself out of going, you need to be there. So I pulled the trigger, I bought my ticket, which I actually was very fortunate enough to wear one of the girls that I was already connected with and she was one of the speakers there she had a free ticket to give and she gifted it to me. So that was a whole other reason of like I'm not going to not take advantage of this, and what I actually ended up doing was because I had my general admission ticket free. I upgraded it to a VIP, which included this thing called Goddess Night, which was this emotional experience, healing experience that you got to do and, again, like, my whole focus this year is to do the inner work, to do the healing, so it was just a no-brainer for me to add that on. I'm like, of course I'm going to do that.

Speaker 1:

So purchased everything and then basically waited, counted down the days until I was able to go to Fresno, and I ended up not having to take off any work because I booked flights that were in the evenings, so I wasn't like. So Friday is the day I left. It was a weekend event and I ended up leaving at like I think my flight left at like 6, 30 pm, which, looking back now, like when I was going through it, I was like I will never do this to myself again, like I'm not going to not take a day to travel, because I was so exhausted when I got to Fresno, I think it was by the time I got to California Actually, let me just say, by the time I got to my hotel room, I think it was close to one o'clock in the morning, which fortunately, at least the time you get more time so on Texas time that would have been like 3 am. So I was exhausted and even like when I was at my connecting connecting flight. So I think I went to Dallas and the flights kept getting delayed, like my mind was going back and forth of like you shouldn't have done this, like this isn't worth it, and I was like I was fighting myself. I was like no, shut up, like this will be worth it, like you just have to get over this hard part of the travel and being so tired. And, yeah, I ended up. It ended up being worth it. Let me just say that. But like it just made me realize like, hey, like you know, to get the best experience out of this, I don't think that in the future we will book a flight that is like super, super late and you're, like you know, to the point where you're super exhausted for the event. So it ended up being fine.

Speaker 1:

Like I remember, I ended up waking up Saturday morning and I actually woke up pretty early and felt not like myself, but like I didn't feel. I didn't wake up feeling like exhausted and groggy and I don't know why. I mean, I definitely felt it after I got back of how exhausted I was. But I ended up working out. So, yeah, waking up Saturday morning, I was super excited to go downstairs and meet one of, again one of my good friends, the one that gifted me the ticket. Her name is Kelly and Kelly, if you're listening, I love you and thank you so much for giving me your ticket and just being an amazing friend. So I remember waking up and I was so excited for the day.

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Like I got ready, I ordered in breakfast just because there wasn't included breakfast, and what was really nice about this event was that the hotel we stayed at the event was at that hotel, so we didn't have to worry about like going and driving to somewhere or like walking somewhere. So that part was super convenient. So, yeah, I took my time, got ready and then went downstairs and I went into the area where so there was a lot of like different vendors set up outside of the room that they host the event in, and so people were getting set up downstairs. But that's when I went downstairs and, of course, like hugged my friend Kelly and like hung out with her until the event started and did all of that and like we did chat with some other women and we were helping another girl set up her stuff. So it was great, like I loved being able to just spend some time with them and before things kicked off.

Speaker 1:

But once things kicked off, like holy shit, the speakers that I had, the speakers that spoke at this event, and the host, the girl who hosts the event, crystal I'm going to say her name wrong, hacobo. I've been saying it as Jacobo, but I know that that's not how you say it. She actually was on the podcast like a long time ago, not a long time ago, but like when we first started the podcast. She was a guest on the podcast and I'm actually wanting to go back and re-listen to it because I feel like I mean, she's just on such a whole nother level of like divine woman. Like I'm telling you, like this woman is like the perfect example of who we all should strive to get to, because she's just so energetically, like high energy, high frequency. She carries herself with such poise and confidence and she is just so assured of who she is as a woman and I'm like when I had her as a guest on the podcast, like I was not at her level whatsoever, like I remember I was like picking her brain so much because I was like so interested in learning and I mean that could be a whole nother thing where I talk about how I feel.

Speaker 1:

Like up until this year I have been avoiding the true inner work healing that I've been needing for so long because I've been doing so much of learning and absorbing information and, yes, like I feel like I've been understanding myself more and more as I learn more and hear from different people. I really do feel like, yes, like I feel like I'm growing as a person, but the true inner work healing that I've needed for so long, I feel like I haven't actually put in the work until January, like I started doing it in January and actually feeling it Like I can't. It's like night and day of a difference with how I was spending my time before, which was consuming, listening to books, listening to podcasts, but never really applying it to my life, and I think that part of that was, you know, my inner self was scared and had fear and wasn't yet ready to go there and step into that. And this year, like again I've been saying, this year has just felt so different, like I have felt so expansive and so ready to do the inner work and do the healing that I really do need in order to step into the person I need to be. So going to this event was everything I needed in the stage of where I'm at in my healing right now.

Speaker 1:

I heard what I needed to hear, like the speakers that spoke at this event were. You know, they all had their own stories to share and their own knowledge. You know. It all resonated in different ways and I think that Crystal did a wonderful job of selecting speakers that weren't all just the same. You know, they weren't all just talking about the same stuff. They all had their own individual journeys and stories and they were all at different stages of their journeys, which I thought was super beautiful, and it just I felt like I could really connect with a lot of the women.

Speaker 1:

The thing that I loved about this event was it was so intimate. Like I've been to events before I've been to more so like business conferences, business events and a lot of like personal development stuff before, but this was truly like Crystal created a space that felt safe and I remember like when we first kicked things off, like there was a lot of dancing and I was so uncomfortable. I came in with like an open mind and I'm like no, like you need to commit to really like taking this seriously and going all in. And it took a little bit before I felt comfortable doing that and like felt okay and like safe to do that. Like I you know something as simple as like dancing in the room when the music turned on. You know everyone's dancing. I felt so self conscious and like you know what are people going to think of me? And like I feel so weird and awkward and by the end of the event on Sunday, like I just felt like I could really step into me and embody, you know, the woman I want to be and that's the whole. That was the whole point of it.

Speaker 1:

Like I went to this event, really wanting to reconnect with myself again, because somewhere along the lines, somewhere along the way, I disconnected from my body, I became disassociated with myself because I didn't feel safe with who I was, I didn't feel worthy, I didn't feel deserving. And you know it's hard for me to share that because I have this podcast where I preach the exact opposite. But I've been telling you, and I told you in an earlier podcast, that I really honestly developed this brand and like created this brand, created the podcast for my own selfish reasons, because I knew I needed to hear these things over and over and over and over again until it finally started to click. And I really didn't feel like it finally started to click until this year. I'm telling you there's something with this year, but I realized at the beginning of this year how much I didn't feel the things that I was saying and preaching and I think it's been holding me back for a really long time. And I've also shared that like I thought that I had overcome my body image struggles when I was really really healthy physically looking, you know, and I was like preaching all about it and I'm like, yeah, like you just got to love your body now Like it's really like whatever.

Speaker 1:

And then I started to gain weight again and all of a sudden, these feelings that I had always felt about myself started coming up again and they started rising to the surface and so me trying to like talk about what I wanted to feel and embody and truly believe about myself. I didn't, and I felt so conflicted for so long, and that is why this event, this Gallentine's event, I felt so called to it because I knew it was all about healing and reconnecting with yourself and learning how to embody who you are as a woman, with, like, no shame, no guilt, and truly feeling worthy and not apologizing for who you are. And that is like everything that I want. I want to feel that, I want to truly believe that, and I really do feel like I am starting to believe and embody these things. I still believe that there's a lot more inner work to do. I have started therapy, which is something I've been telling myself to do for years now and I just have never taken the step. And you know like it's something that I'm committed to doing because I need to finally step into the woman that I am meant to be and the woman that I know is within me, but I'm not giving myself permission to step into her, and that is what I feel like this event did for me. It allowed me to bring down some of the walls that I had up. It allowed me to release emotions that I was holding inside my body, and I want more of that, like I saw the Goddess Knight that I mentioned.

Speaker 1:

It was led by this amazing woman. Her name is Ashley and she's actually going to be a guest on the podcast. I'm so excited to record with her this week. But she took us through this amazing experience with Goddess Knight that she used oh my gosh, I'm going to butcher all of this sonomatic healing, I think, is how it's pronounced and we did tapping and we did a lot of dancing. So we basically should be able to explain it a lot better, so make sure you tune into that episode. But whatever she did, she guided us through this experience that allowed us to get out of our mind and back into our body to release some tension that was inside our body, like the tapping.

Speaker 1:

It's insane what it did, and I was at a point this was Saturday night that we had Goddess Knight. I was at the point where I was like all in. I was like I am going all fucking in on this experience because I want it, I crave it so badly to release the tension that I am holding within that I don't know how to release. And it was pretty wild like the tapping part of it. So there's different areas that you tap on your body that I think have to do with the nerves connected to different organs. I'm not sure I know Ashley will explain it a lot better than I can, but in the whole time she's like talking you through it, she's guiding you, she's helping you visualize. And she said at the beginning of it like you're going to be tapping on different areas of your body and it's going to release emotion, like you're going to want to cry. Like let it out. These are parts of the body that can hold tension, can hold emotion. And it was insane like I remember tapping above my eyebrows and all of a sudden like floods of tears, just like pouring out of me and I didn't have any clue like what from.

Speaker 1:

And she did say like don't try to like overanalyze things, like just let your body do what it needs to do to heal. And I really loved that. She said that because my brain is always like, well, why do I feel this way? Like where did this come from? Like, what past trauma had I experienced that? Like I feel this way? And it took all of like the overthinking and the overwhelm out of it and just you just kind of allowed your body to like take over and do what it needs to do, and we did like crazy movements. She was like, let your body move the way it wants to move, like, don't think about it. And it's just weird how my body responded to it. Like I just stopped allowing myself to overanalyze and to worry about what the person behind me was thinking. Like, for most of it, we had our eyes closed so you weren't focused on other people.

Speaker 1:

And, again, like Crystal did such an amazing job and the speakers did such an amazing job at making this space feel very, very safe, and I think that that is so important because, like, if you don't feel safe in the space to really fully experience what you're trying to get out of it, then you're holding back. And that was one of the things that, like, I wrote down the things that I wanted to get out of the event, and one of those was like, do not hold back, like go into this 100%, fully, do what they tell you to do, like don't worry about other people. Like this is for you, like you are here for you. You are here to heal. And I'm so proud that I allowed myself to do that. Like I'm so proud of myself for allowing myself to fully experience what this event was all about. And yeah, that night was a really, really powerful night.

Speaker 1:

Like I remember before that night, like we did different exercises throughout the day and for like I don't know if it was just the environment of it, but I remember that going through different exercises or like people sharing different things, and I remember feeling so emotional, like wanting to cry over so many different things. But like I don't know if you've felt this before, but like when you've needed to cry before and you just like really do everything in your power to hold it in and like you feel like this, like Like this tightness in your throat and in your chest because you're working so hard to like hold it in. I feel like I've been doing that for so long and and After going through goddess night and being able to release a lot of that on Sunday, I didn't feel the need to like cry all the time and like I feel like I had actually released what I needed to release and my body felt so much more relaxed and safe and I Don't know, I don't know like it. It's so hard to explain, but I'm so, so glad and so grateful I got to go through all of this at the time of where I'm at with my healing and I ended up joining crystals community, which is her soul collective, and it's actually they actually have. Well, I don't know if this is normally included with it, but she did like a package. Then it was like this embodiment bundle and it's included a retreat in September that I'll be attending as well and it's kind of like the event, but like on steroids, I think, like as far as like all of the healing work that we're gonna do and and it's in, it's in a cabin or like a house somewhere, like in Yosemite, so we're gonna be surrounded by mountains. It's gonna be way more intimate, like it is a small group, but I'm so excited for it and I'm so excited to be part of her community because we meet once a month and it's just continued work that I am super excited to you know, continue diving into and being surrounded by the same community that I felt At this event I think that that was something that really stood out to me was wanting to be involved In a part of a community where I felt safe and I felt like I just had support.

Speaker 1:

I think Community can go a really long way when you feel that support and you feel safe enough to Let your guard down and to let your walls down. And I think what's so different about this community From what I've been a part of in the past before is that it's literally solely Soul, so collective, but it's solely on healing. A lot of what I've done in the past before has been business related and you know you're doing, you're showing up for trainings that have a lot to do with business and, of course, personal development and Learning these things, but also learning a lot of business tactics. And right now, for me, I Don't I just need to heal like again. I'm so focused on me and myself because I know that when I do the inner work and focus on what I need right now, what my body needs Well, my, you know, emotions need I Know that the business part of it will come, and I think for a long time I've been so focused on pouring into that and Consuming all of the business knowledge and all of that. I feel like it's been a way for me to avoid me and inner healing. So I felt super called to join her community Because she did have, you know, like business, a business side of it, like she does have a mastermind where you can join and it's really all about bringing in the healing part of it and business. And I was like no, like I need, I need to get away from the business stuff because I am so easily distracted and I am so easily one to find ways to distract myself and to avoid Doing the work of healing myself. So I felt I felt super called to join her soul collective community and continue my journey with women who are on the same path and Want the same things out of their own life and we all just feel super safe and supportive with one another. And I mean I could go on and on about my experience and if you have questions about the event, if maybe it's something you want to go to next year, I'd be happy to answer any questions Regarding that. But yeah, if you want to learn more about like crystal and her work.

Speaker 1:

I Recommend going back and listening to the episode and I'll try to, if I remember, I'll try to tag it below so that you can easily go back and listen to it and, you know, hear her story and how she got to where she is now. She, I mean you should definitely go and follow her on Instagram. She just had a little baby and she talked so much about her infertility journey and Sharing about her experience with it and it's super. It's super powerful. So, yeah, if you have questions about my experience or anything With that community, let me know. I'd be happy to share anything that you want to know. But I need to wrap this episode up because I got to go and clock into work here in 15 minutes. That is the beauty of being able to work from home.

Speaker 1:

Now, again, I'm so grateful, like that, that this is where I'm at in my life right now. I I'm so excited to see how 2024 unfolds and I'm excited to Take you on the journey with me. So with that, I will leave you to your day. I hope you have a wonderful, beautiful Day and I will chat with you next time. Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode. You have no idea how grateful I am to have you as one of the love your body. Now listeners, if you are loving this podcast, it would mean the world to me if you subscribed and left a review. This helps me get the message out to more women just like you who are also committed to their journey. And if you love this episode, please be sure to share it with someone who you know needs to hear today's message. Together, we can help more women recognize their self-worth and build their confidence from a much deeper place, just like you're doing right now. Let's help change the world, one woman at a time. Alright, talk to you soon, friend.