Love Your Body Now

How Your Wellness Creates a Ripple Effect in Others

Savannah Robertson Episode 54

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Consistently showing up for ourselves can influence the people around us, even if immediate change isn’t evident. This episode highlights the transformative power of leading by example and the long-term benefits of a healthy lifestyle for higher quality living. We discuss about empowering change through self-commitment and inspiring healthier lives for ourselves and our loved ones.

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Speaker 1:

If you've been following along to the podcast for a while now or maybe you follow the Love your Body Now Instagram page, you know that we have an apparel brand that is all about body positivity and self-love has evolved with time and I want to announce that I am now having anyone who wants to stay up to date with the apparel line and just the brand in general, any announcements that we share I have a text list that you can join. You'll also get exclusive offers with our apparel brand and you'll know when we are doing any kind of launches with different items and pre-orders. So if you want to stay in the loop with that, then you can join our text list by texting the number 844-311-3767. 311-3767 and all you have to do is text join and it'll automatically add you to our text list and you will be the first to know when we are adding new items to our apparel line or if we bring back any items that will be available for pre-order any sales. You will also get exclusive discounts for being a part of this text list and, of course, I plan to send out regular uplifting messages If you love to receive uplifting messages regarding self-love, body positivity nice little reminders, as you are on your growth journey towards loving your body, then you definitely should join, and you will also be able to send messages back to me, so if you ever have any questions or anything that resonates with you that you want to share, then we can actually text back and forth with this number. So I'm super excited to add this into the love your body now brand, and I can't wait for you to be a part of this exclusive community.

Speaker 1:

All right, let's get into the episode. Welcome to the Love your Body Now podcast, the podcast for women who are ready to feel confident in their body right now and redefine what health looks like for them. I'm Savannah, your host, and together we'll be having conversations about what it means to accept and love our bodies now, while simultaneously prioritizing our health journey. We'll be debunking beliefs that do not serve us and diving into misconceptions and unhealthy narratives in the fitness world, so that we can rebuild our foundation from a place of self-love. Hello, beautiful people, I am super excited to chat with you today and, just to forewarn you, I went to go hit record and right before I was about to hit record, my neighbor started mowing their lawn and the room that I'm in is like right on the side, that they are next to us, and I did like a testing little round to see if you could, if it would like, pick up the mowing, and it definitely did.

Speaker 1:

So I ran to go grab my microphone because I have like all these like high-tech supplies for my podcast and my go-to is just to record on my phone and I don't use any setup half the time that I'm recording. So I'm like, well, let me go grab my little handy dandy microphone and see if it does like just picks up my voice and like mutes out the rest of it. So hopefully it does that and you do not hear any mowing in the background. But in case you do, I'm very sorry but this is the only time that I really have to get in this podcast episode.

Speaker 1:

I have been doing a couple of other things which I can't fully talk about yet, but I have been working on a new launch item for the Love your Body Now apparel brand and, oh my gosh, talk about like running into problem after problem. I am still so new to like offering apparel and if you have been around for a while, you know it has like really evolved within the last year. I had kind of started exploring apparel just like designing items and sourcing it out and seeing if it was even something that I wanted to really pursue. So slowly, slowly, I started trying out new ways to offer apparel, different items, different vendors, and fortunately, most of the people that have ordered with me I know personally, or you know I know them like back from when I was younger, from my hometown or other ways that we've met. And I think that that is like something that a lot of business owners can get frustrated in the beginning because things aren't taking off fast enough and maybe aren't making sales a whole lot.

Speaker 1:

And my business has gone so slowly because I've also been trying to navigate what I want it to look like, what I really want to focus on. And I'm actually super appreciative that things are going so slowly because it allows for me to work out these kinks that I just had no idea would come up or you know, I would have no idea how to handle them until they come up and I'm just like grateful that most of the people that order with me if a problem comes up which is not like all the time I'm able to work through that with them and not have someone come after my business because something went wrong and again nothing has really gone wrong but also just on my part, navigating things that I've never navigated before and being able to have a little bit of not as much pressure on myself when I'm figuring it out for the first time for a customer, because I know them personally and I know if something goes wrong again not typically things go wrong, but if something does go wrong they'll let me know through the DMs or they'll just message me or call me and let me know and then I can get it resolved. And I've really just been super grateful for that because I know when you start to grow your business and things start to scale, if that happens with a stranger, that's kind of a big deal because that might be their first encounter with you and with your business and it may not lead to a good outcome. They may not be as understanding because they don't know you on that level. And yeah, I mean I didn't mean to completely go off about all of this stuff and currently, now the launch that I am working on, nothing has been sent out to anyone. It's just a matter of me ordering stuff ahead of time to prep for just different pre-launch tasks that I have to do coming up. And, yeah, I am working on being able to basically source my own items rather than using outside vendors for most of it, and it's just a whole new world that I am navigating and trying to figure out and learn about so that I can have a little bit more control over my business, because it's been one thing that I've started to realize that I really want more of is I don't want to outsource everything.

Speaker 1:

There are some things that I will continue to outsource, but I really want to be able to start making my own shirts and understanding how that all works. So that has been what I've been navigating as I'm getting ready to pre-launch come August time. So stay tuned for that if you are excited to learn about what we will be launching. I am so freaking excited to launch this. I am so freaking excited to launch this. It's something that I've had my idea on probably since the beginning of this, guys think.

Speaker 1:

But aside from that, I was brainstorming a couple of different topics to chat about and I thought about how being healthy and prioritizing your health and fitness and even further than fitness, but like your mental health and just prioritizing you. I want to talk about how much that impacts other people around you and in what ways it impacts people. Because I think sometimes, even myself included we can kind of get into this thought process that if we decide to take things easy or kind of let up on our journey or prioritizing ourself and you know, sometimes that happens in life we go through different seasons and you know we're not always as motivated, we're not always as disciplined. But talking about how our choices really do affect the other people around us, really do affect the other people around us, and I think about not that I'm going to make this whole episode about my husband, but there have been some new. He has been really stepping up his game with his health and fitness and just his overall how he shows up for himself, and it's been a gradual thing over time and I cannot tell you how much it directly impacts me and he probably doesn't even realize it.

Speaker 1:

But I had kind of been in this season of I'm just I wouldn't say necessarily going through the motions, but in some aspects, yes, I have been taking my workouts a little more casually, as in not that they're not challenging or hard, because they are, but I kind of. I haven't been following any specific program. I have been really just like asking myself each day what do I feel like doing today? And there's nothing wrong with that. But watching him really work towards a specific goal and have this sort of discipline that I have not had in a while, it's like been pushing me to show up better for myself and I share that example.

Speaker 1:

Because when we look at, like our families or if you're, if you don't have kids and you're with someone, um, or maybe even just even if you live by yourself but you are around family members a lot, your consistency of showing up for yourself and making choices, that maybe is not the status quo or maybe is not typical of the people that you are around. Sometimes the first reactions that you will get from people is maybe they'll give you a hard time about it and a lot of the times that's because they might feel threatened by it and they don't mean it in a bad way, but it's just natural human behavior sometimes. But the more that they start to see you doing these things, whether they notice that you get up every morning to do your workout like no excuses doesn't matter how late you stayed up the night before and you're still showing up for yourself regardless. It starts to show people what's possible and it starts to show people that, yes, sometimes these things can be hard, sometimes showing up for yourself can feel hard, but it's almost like you're giving another person permission or you're giving them the example of what their life could look like. And the longer that they see you doing those things, and the longer that they see you doing those things and the longer that they see you showing up in a certain way, the more they start to reflect within. And again, I'm saying this from my own experience, my own journey right now.

Speaker 1:

I have been just kind of like getting my workout in whenever and right now that works fine because I just work from home. So it's like I have the time. I don't do anything really outside of work and my husband obviously has a lot crazier schedule. Um, you know, my husband obviously has a lot crazier schedule, so he really only has a certain window of time in the day to get in his workout. But you know, the more that he works hard, like he goes to work every day and he started going to school and is doing like classes in the evening and it was one thing before for me to watch him get up in the morning before work and then go to work and then come back and do that for himself, like he gets up in the morning to work out before work. But now it's a whole other thing seeing him not only go to work but also do school in the evenings.

Speaker 1:

And there's been a couple nights where he was up pretty late like doing his classes and I thought to myself like if I were in his position right now and I stayed up till midnight getting an assignment done there was, there's probably no way I'm getting up the next morning to get in my workout because I'm like sleep, I need to sleep and sometimes, sometimes we do. But that happened and he still got up the next morning at four o'clock to get in his workout before work and I was just like in awe and it just has like made me again start doing that inner reflection of like what are areas in my life that I can, you know, step up and do better for myself and show a little bit more disciplined for myself? Not because I feel like I have to, like he hasn't said anything to me or pressured me to show up differently, I think I actually think that for a long time I was really like that, where I always felt like I had to show up 100%, and I think that's just part of how I grew up. I was very strict with myself, I held myself to very high standards and to just relax and to just chill out, it was very, very hard for me, just relax and to just chill out. It was very, very hard for me and I held myself to that standard for a very long time and it was always leading to like burnout and really ignoring my body and ignoring what my body needed and just like feeling really unworthy if I wasn't constantly doing and going through healing and better understanding myself. I feel like I kind of went through this journey of letting go of those expectations of myself and allowing myself to just take a step back and relax and chill and just not have such high expectations of myself and be okay with it and know that I was still worthy and I, you know, just because I'm not doing and achieving and constantly striving to be better and all of these things in such a high capacity, it forced me to kind of like settle and accept it, and I think that sometimes you have to go through that process of feeling like you need to be in control of all of those things to the point where you let go of all of that and sit with it for a while. And that has kind of been the season I was in.

Speaker 1:

And after seeing him start to really prioritize his fitness I mean he always has and this was kind of more at the beginning of the year and I've talked in other episodes where the beginning of this year I was just like in full healing mode, like I just I really wanted to feel what it meant, like to fully heal and just like really accept myself and be okay with who I am. And I feel like I really did go through a lot of that uh out and end up out on the other side. And in the meantime he has been showing up for himself in his fitness journey and because I had been kind of taking things slowly with my fitness, allowing myself to sort of you know, heal that relationship with my fitness journey and my exercise, I was just allowing myself to be chill, you know, still getting in movement, but I wasn't like super hyperly focused on it and I needed to go through that season and now that I've kind of been out on the other side of it and been seeing him show up every single day for his workouts and really pushing himself, and you know I can see the impact it has been having on him. He's hitting his goals Like he has, you know, been super disciplined and you know it makes me super in awe and reminded me of what it is like to be through that challenging experience and just like show up for yourself in a high capacity, and so it has gotten me doing some self-reflection. Again, this is over the course of probably six, seven months of this. So just know that when I say that your health journey impacts other people, I'm not talking like overnight, I'm talking long-term and I'll get into a little bit more about how my own journey has impacted other people here in a bit. But the self-reflection that happens when you just simply showing up for yourself my husband just showing up for himself it has nothing to do with me, he's doing it for himself and he's not pressuring me, he's not getting on my butt about anything, he's just doing his own thing. I think that there's so much power in that, and I've done an episode before talking about how can we help our friends and family really start to prioritize their health and fitness.

Speaker 1:

And one of the things that I talked about was you literally just showing up for yourself and not really like shoving in other people's face and shoving it down their throat and making them feel ashamed. That doesn't really work. It's you showing up constantly, over and over again, for you because you're doing it for you, and then all of a sudden, people start to notice and they're like whoa, like you just had the most incredible physical transformation. Like what are you? What on earth is going on? And then they start to take note. They're like, oh my gosh, like they get up at four in the morning. You know, their initial reaction six months ago might have been like you're crazy, like I cannot believe you do that, but then they start to see how it's impacting you and your life, whether it's physical, whether it's mental, whether you're just becoming a whole different version of yourself. They're like, well, shit, maybe the four o'clock in the morning isn't so bad, maybe they're onto something. This might be something I need to consider.

Speaker 1:

And people are always going to be in different stages of their what is called behavioral change. There are, I believe, six different stages of behavioral change. You cannot force someone to go from one stage to two stages and every person is completely different. It varies how they go from stage to stage and that inner reflection that they start to do just from witnessing your own journey is very impactful because it's like a mirror shining upon themselves. They see what you're doing for yourself, they see what you're capable of and it is showing them what they're capable of, but they're not stepping into.

Speaker 1:

And natural human behavior. Like I said in the beginning, maybe they find out for the first time that you're getting up at four in the morning to do workouts and their instant reaction is to kind of like make you feel like the silly one, make you feel like you're the one that doesn't fit in right. It's natural human behavior to do that because they feel some type of way about you doing that. Maybe it's they feel like deep down which they're not admitting to themselves that they about you doing that. Maybe it's they feel like deep down which they're not admitting to themselves that they should be doing that and they're not. Therefore, they're going to make you feel belittled about it so that they don't feel belittled about it. But then, the more that they see you do it, and if you're not going head to head with them about it, you're just doing it for you. Going head to head with them about it, you're just doing it for you. Then they start to have this mental shift in themselves Because again they felt maybe I don't want to say shameful about it, but very possible that they felt like they should be doing that and they're not, and they start to see themselves within you because you're stepping into a better version of themselves. You're almost like granting them permission to do the same and showing them that it is possible. They just have to make that choice and make that decision a little bit more about how you showing up for yourself not only impacts the people that you're around every day, but I want to talk about it when it pertains to family and friends and people that we really care about.

Speaker 1:

Because when I started health coaching and really just started sharing my fitness journey online, figure out, okay, how am I going to still prioritize my health and fitness now that I am no longer this student athlete where it was always just enforced and ingrained in my schedule, and I started sharing about it online. And that's when I started health coaching and I got certified in health coaching and really just became overall very passionate about health and fitness and wanted to help other people prioritize health and fitness because I knew how positive it impacts, positive effects that it has in your life and you know, for me it felt very personal. I wanted so badly to help my family live healthier lives because for me I was like I want them to be around for as long as possible and by the time I have kids, like I want them to be able to keep up with my kids and I want to be able to do physical activities with my parents for a really long time. You know, one of the things that me and my dad used to do when I was in high school and even the summers of college is we would work out together.

Speaker 1:

I think that that's where I first really got into lifting and really started enjoying going to the gym was because me and my dad would go, because I was training for softball. I was training for softball and I just loved that sport so much and part of why I would go to the gym all the time was because I wanted to get better at my sport and it was just like something that I was always working towards and my dad would go with me. We would go in the mornings and we would go in the evenings, just depended on what season we were in, and it was something that we really bonded over. And when you have such love and enjoyment for working out and pushing your body in a certain way and then being able to do that with someone that you really care about, it just becomes a really special thing. I wouldn't be able to be there and help push people and help quote unquote motivate them and do those things with them so we could all stay active together.

Speaker 1:

So I started sharing about it on social media and at the time too, my grandma was going through a lot of health issues and it really scared me to the point where I was always trying to find ways that I could get her to prioritize exercising and trying to educate her about nutrition and the importance of nutrition. And it was kind of like this thing that I kind of carried on my shoulders and put a lot of pressure on myself to show up a certain way so that they could see it over and over again and you know they would constantly be reminded about the importance of prioritizing your health and fitness and that you know they would constantly be reminded about the importance of prioritizing your health and fitness. And that was a really, really, really strong motivator for me for a good while. Was I have to show up so that my family, you know, just in hopes that it will ripple and trickle down to the people that I care about the most. And now that I'm saying that out loud, it's actually you know that's a lot of pressure to put on yourself, but it did get people talking. It did get people thinking about it. My grandma started asking me questions. She was trying to and unfortunately, that it just was too late in her life to really make the changes that needed to be made in order to really turn around her health. It had just been too late.

Speaker 1:

And you know, for me it's like how can we, you know, how can I educate more people to prevent this from happening to them? How can we get to the younger people before they age and before it starts to get worse? There are so many things that we can do to prevent this. Just simply exercising, just simply eating healthier, and I wish that, and that was more of what we talked about, versus having to treat illnesses and having to treat issues and so many people believing that health and fitness is the same thing as dieting. It is not, in my opinion. If you are healthy, if you are eating healthy and taking care of your body, you are not dieting. It is not the same thing. Dieting has been created by diet culture and by somewhat of the fitness industry to sell to people and to make people buy their products, to make people buy their services. To me, it is something different, and the more that we can learn and educate for ourselves, the more that it ripples.

Speaker 1:

And I say this because I know each and every one of you has someone. You have many people in your life that you care about so deeply for, and maybe you see it in some of them where you are starting to see the limitations coming up in their life, whether you do have kids and they struggle to keep up with them, or maybe you try to go on like a family hike or something and one of your family members can't go because they just cannot physically handle something like that. It's the little things like that that can really start to impact your relationships, and the older I get, the more I start to recognize these things, where it's like, even just like going to go do something. You know how much are you able to enjoy it, how much are the people, your friends or your family with you, able to enjoy it because of their own quality of life? And if their own quality of life is not great, then they're not going to be as fully present and in the moment and fully enjoying the moment with you, because they do have these limitations.

Speaker 1:

I'm not saying that sometimes people do have health issues and they're able to fully enjoy life as they are, but what I'm talking about are the preventative things that we can start doing, and I'm telling you it does not work to try and force this upon your family members and your friends and to try and scare them into doing it. It literally comes from you showing up yourself, and this can also impact your kids. That was also something that has been really important to me is I just I want to be this healthy person mentally, physically, by the time I start having kids and I want them to view health and fitness as something they value and something they're not intimidated by and, you know, afraid of or they don't know how to approach it Like. I just want it to be a part of our life so that we can live as long as possible together and fully enjoy life. And that is really how your own health and fitness you just simply showing up for you, not for someone else, not for to pressure someone, not to, I don't know, throw it in someone's face, but you just showing up for you is where the true impact starts to happen and the ripple really starts to happen. Whether it's for your kids, whether it's for your grandparents, for your parents, your friends start to make it more of this. It'll start to seem more attainable for them.

Speaker 1:

And just allowing people to take things slowly I think that that was one mistake that I had for a while is like I was so gung-ho with my own fitness journey and I wanted people to match my energy. And when you understand again people's behaviors, whatever stage they are in, for change are in for change. Things have to happen slowly, but it is a huge ripple effect when you allow that to happen and to grow over time and you just keep encouraging them, keep you know, helping them where it's needed and if they have questions, like answering questions or sending them to really valuable resources, it's in the little things and it's in the little habits and it's honestly the things that take the longest, take time, but that is where the magic happens. So I hope that this was an impactful episode for you. So I hope that this was an impactful episode for you.

Speaker 1:

I hope that it was a reminder that you simply showing up for you has so much power in the world and has so much power for the people around you and the choices that they make, because we are very easily influenced from other people and the more that we are around other people, or the more that other people are around us, the more we start to pick up each other's behaviors. It's just again, that's just human behavior. So if you understand this and know that you simply showing up for yourself, it will have impact on the people around you. You just have to give it time and you can't rush that process. Everyone is going to do things in their own time and as long as they are taking steps in the right direction and are trying to be better, then that's all that matters. So I hope that you have a wonderful week and I will chat with you later. Bye.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode. You have no idea how grateful I am to have you as one of the Love your Body Now listeners. If you are loving this podcast, it would mean the world to me if you subscribed and left a review. This helps me get the message out to more women just like you, who are also committed to their journey, and if you love this episode, please be sure to share it with someone who you know needs to hear today's message. Together, we can help more women recognize their self-worth and build their confidence from a much deeper place, just like you're doing right now. Let's help change the world, one woman at a time. All right, talk to you soon, friend.